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Ah Holy Jesus

Cruger, Johann, arr. Mazzatenta, Michael, Jubilate Music Group

This contemplative setting of HERZLIEBSTER JESU is accessible and compelling for quiet moments in the season of Lent and beyond.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJMG1332 3-5 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC $5.95  


Dobrinski, Cynthia, Hope Publishing Co.

This original composition is full of lively techniques making it exciting from start to finish. A great option for a worship service, festival, or concert.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP2958 3-5 oct HB $6.25  

Amazing Grace

Traditional, arr. Eithun, Sandra, Red River Music

Sandra Eithun's ethereal Level 2 setting of "Amazing Grace" artfully employs the Singing Bell technique.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRRBL5056 3 to 6 Octave Handbells with Optional 3 Octave Handchimes. $4.50  

Bells of Freedom

Schmidt, Jon, arr. Peck, Chris, From the Top Music

Composer, Jon Schmidt, was inspired to create this original piano work in celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall. He wanted to recreate a 'wash' of sound heard that day from the bells ringing throughout the countryside.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFM20409 3-6 Oct HB $4.95  

Beyond the Horizon

Radford, Betty B., From the Top Music

This 'tone poem' (mood sequence) is a series of musical themes describing a quest for peace: anticipation, a vision, apprehension or angst, grandeur, reflection, returning to the vision, and ultimately, resolution and peace prevailing.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFM20685HB 3-7 oct HB with 3 oct HC and opt Percussion $4.95  
MFM20685M Full Score $5.95  
MFM20685P Percussion Part $2.25  

Built on the Rock

Lindeman, Ludwig M., arr. McChesney, Kevin, AGEHR Publishing

Commissioned in honor of Area 7 chair Karen Van Wert, this setting by Kevin McChesney is a creative rendering of the hymn tune KIRKEN. Throughout the arrangement, snippets of the hymn text are included in the score, calling to mind the inspiration for that section of music. This setting utilizes 3-5 octaves of bells with optional bell trees.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAG35388 3-5 Oct HB with Opt 3-5 Oct Bell Trees $5.95  

Come Christians Join to Sing

Hymn Tune, arr. Compton, Matthew, Evergreen Music

Matthew Compton has given us a rhythmic, light-hearted arrangement of the tune MADRID. Easy to learn and simply fun, this arrangement can be used throughout the year!

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MEGM116 3-6 oct HB with opt 3-6 oct HC $5.95  

Come Just As You Are

Sabolick, Joseph, arr. Ingram, Bill, Ring Praise Publications

Based on an anthem by Joseph Sabolick and arranged for bells by Bill Ingram, this setting features smooth-flowing LVed passages that give way to chordal texture with the melody in upper octaves.

Previously published as MRW8119.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRP7546 3-5 oct HB $5.95  

Common Thread

Eithun, Sandra, G.I.A. Publications, Inc.

There is much disturbance in our world and in our country. But this original work was composed to remind everyone that we all have a pulse in our wrists. It is what we have in common. This pulse is part of all humanity. It is our common thread.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGIG10781 3-7 oct HB with opt 3-7 oct HC $5.50  

Courage and Grace

Joy, Michael W. , Hope Publishing Co.

This dynamic original composition for 3-6 octave handbells was commissioned by The Shipley School in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Composer Michael Joy took the school’s motto, "Courage for the deed and grace for the doing", as inspiration.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP3030 3-6 oct HB $6.50  


Susato, Tielman, arr. McChesney, Kevin, Jeffers Publishing

2-3 octaves of bells, rung in chordal texture with lots of "spicy" techniques thrown in are only part of the overall "sound ensemble" of this tune originally written by T. Susato. Keyboard, percussion, and brass contribute as well in the joyful mood.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJHS9228 2-3 oct HB with keyboard, brass, and timpani $3.75  
MJHS9228B inst parts (2 Bb trumpets, Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba, Timpani)
 $10.00  $6.00
MJHS9228K keyboard part $4.00  
MJHS9228P percussion part $5.00  
MJHS9422 4-6 oct HB with keyboard, brass, and timpani
 $3.25  $1.95
+ Expand list for more items

Eternity's Timepiece - Yellowstone

Krug, Jason W., Lorenz Corp.

Incorporating the hymn tune DIX, this moving program piece from Jason W. Krug invokes the feelings of wonder and awe that visitors viewing the geysers in Yellowstone National Park experience.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC202135L 3-6 oct HB with opt 3-6 oct HC $5.95  

Everything to God In Prayer

Converse, Charles C. and Bradbury, William, arr. Mallory, Ron, Jubilate Music Group

This meditative arrangement by Ron Mallory combines "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" with "Sweet Hour of Prayer".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJMG1142 3-5 oct HB with opt 2 oct HC $5.25  

Fantasy on All Creatures of Our God and King

Hymn Tune, arr. Eithun, Sandra, G.I.A. Publications, Inc.

Sandra Eithun has arranged an impressive free form variation of this hallowed German hymn. Her imaginative use of chimes with bells presents an engaging musical fantasy.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGIG10915 3-5 oct HB with opt 5-7 oct HC $5.50  

For Everyone Born

Mann, Brian, arr. Eithun, Sandra, Lorenz Corp.

Sandra Eithun masterfully arranged this popular tune from Brian Mann. The text upon which the piece is based speaks to God’s hospitality towards mankind and to His desire for everyone to come to the Communion table and inspire justice and peace in the world.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC202141L 3-7 Oct HB with Opt 3-5 Oct HC $5.95  

Hashivenu (Rise Up and Sing)

Traditional Israeli Folk Song, arr. Austin, Brenda E., Hope Publishing Co.

This traditional Israeli folk song is a song of resilience. It begins with a mournful setting on handchimes and moves into an up-tempo section that uses mallets and thumb damps.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP3028 3-6 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC $6.50  
MHP3047 2-3 oct HB with opt 2-3 oct HC $6.50  

He Is Born How Great Our Joy

Various, arr. Austin, Brenda E., Beckenhorst Press, Inc.

Brenda Austin has deftly combined the tunes "How Great Our Joy"; "He Is Born, the Holy Child"; and "Joy to the World" in this festive medley celebrating the birth of the Christ child.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBEHB708 3-6 Oct HB $4.95  

Here I Am Lord

Schutte, Daniel L., arr. Eithun, Sandra, Beckenhorst Press, Inc.

Sandra Eithun's arrangement of the beloved Daniel Schutte tune highlights the reassuring message of this popular hymn. Utilizing optional handchimes, the contrasting sections evoke the text of each verse.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBEHB766 3-5 (6) oct HB with opt 3-4 oct HC $5.95  


Krug, Jason W., Lorenz Corp.

Jason Krug's exciting original work is a wonderful teaching piece for ensembles working on eighth-note and dotted-quarter-and-eighth-note patterns. The repeating rhythmic accompaniment, which is shared by all ringers, helps reduce learning time.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC202020L 3-5 oct HB $5.50  
MLC202021L 2-3 oct HB $5.50  

In the Bleak Midwinter

Holst, Gustav, arr. Austin, Brenda E., Lorenz Corp.

Gustav Holst’s haunting tune CRANHAM receives sensitive treatment from the ever-creative Brenda Austin. The optional handchimes effectively highlight the melodic material.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201900L 3-6 oct HB w opt 3-5 oct HC $4.95  

Into the Light

Winter, Sandra, Beckenhorst Press, Inc.

This original tune was written for the 21st International Handbell Symposium in Hamamatsu, Japan.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBEHB808 3-7 oct HB with 2 oct HC and opt Chime Tree or Mark Tree
 $5.95  $5.36

Joyous Jubilee

Heinlein, Brian, AGEHR Publishing

An original piece by a new composer to the AGEHR catalogue that contrasts major against minor. Echoes, mallet work, and bell peals are used effectively in this very accessible and fun Level 2 piece.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAG35367 3-5 Oct HB $4.95  

Joyous Spirit

Stephenson, V., Red River Music

Glad remembrance is shown in this original work written in memory of a beloved preschool teacher. The melody is strong and positive, but a bit of the bittersweet comes out in the accompaniment with its lowered VI and VII chords.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRRBL5019 $4.50  

Just Messin Around

Morris, Hart, Red River Music

This original piece is vintage Hart Morris, full of interesting rhythms and bluesy melodies and mostly just a joy to play, hear, and experience. This show-stopper is sure to add sparkle and fun to your next concert and would make an excellent encore as well.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRRG0013 3-5 Oct HB $4.95  
MRRG0013FS Full Score with Opt Bb Clarinet, Bass and Drums $20.00  

Kingsfold Te Deum

Various, arr. Tucker, Sondra K., Jubilate Music Group

"Kingsfold Te Deum" is powerful and intense; however, it is not a hard ring.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJMG1338 3-6 oct HB $5.95  

Lord of the Dance

Shaker melody, arr. Carter, Sydney; Krug, Jason W., Hope Publishing Co.

Join the celebration with Jason Krug's fresh arrangement of Sydney Carter's enchanting hymn based on the Shaker tune "Simple Gifts".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP2997 3-5 oct HB $6.25  
MHP3043 2-3 oct HB $6.25  

Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence

Sakamoto, Ryuichi , arr. Lim, Jasmin and Damien, Ministry of Bellz Limited

"Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence" is a 1983 instrumental work by BAFTA, Golden Globe, Grammy & Academy Awards-winning Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952–2023), recorded for the film of the same name.

This piece was selected as the choice piece by the Handbell Ringers of Singapore for the 2024 International Handbell Symposium at Hamamatsu (Japan).

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MMBPH5SG 5 oct HB with 3 oct HC and opt Yamaha Electrone STAGEA, bass guitar, and perc $4.50  

Mister Sandman

Ballard, Pat, arr. Mallory, Ron, Red River Music

This rhythmic arrangement of the all-time swing classic "Mister Sandman" is fun, fun, fun! Change the name to "Mister Santa" and now it fits perfectly into your next holiday concert.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRRBL5105 3-5 oct HB with opt 3 oct HC $5.95  

Morning Light

Sundquist, Carl & Schmidt, Jon, arr. Berryman, Stephanie, From the Top Music

Composer Jon Schmidt took a theme by Carl Sandquist and created this lovely piece – of which he said, "Playing this song is like playing the sunrise." Stephanie has adapted it beautifully for handbells.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFM20347 5 Oct HB $4.25  
MFM203473 3-4 oct HB
 $4.25  $3.83

My Spirit's Gonna Shine

Spiritual, arr. Edwards, Dan, Composers Music Co.

Dan Edwards skillfully blends “Every Time I Feel the Spirit” with “This Little Light of Mine” in this joyful arrangement that makes use of an interesting variety of techniques.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCP7044 3 or 5 Octave Handbells with Optional Mallets $4.95  


Kramer, Joshua, AGEHR Publishing

This musically simple, yet extremely powerful original lullaby embodies the meaning of its title, "Peace."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAG35339 3-5 Oct HB $4.50  

Prayer for the Innocents

Helman, Michael, Lorenz Corp.

In response to the tragic shootings in Orlando on June 12, 2016, and for all who have lost loved ones due to hate, intolerance, and violence, Michael Helman composed this emotional original work. Appropriate for worship, festivals, concerts, or times of remembrance.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201964L 3-6 Oct HB w Opt 3-6 Oct HC $5.50  

Psalm 139

Gramann, Fred, Choristers Guild

Psalm 139 is among those which are addressed to the "leader" or "choirmaster". The language assures us that God knows us thoroughly and in all situations, doing so by employing contrasting ideas: 'when I sit / when I rise'; 'if I go up to the heavens / if I make my bed in the depths'; 'If I rise on the wings of the dawn / surely the darkness of night will hide me.'

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB1276 3-5 oct HB $4.95  

Realms of Glory

Various, arr. Compton, Matthew, Hope Publishing Co.

Combining "Angels from the Realms of Glory" and "Angels We Have Heard on High", this accessible, joyful arrangement is further enhanced with optional parts for hand drum, tambourine, and clarinet.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP2922 3-6 oct HB with opt percussion and clarinet $6.50  
MHP2922P Full Score and Instrument Parts $22.95  


Waugh, Timothy, Choristers Guild

Selected for the 17th International Handbell Symposium 2016 in Vancouver, Canada, Recollection is a soothing, lyrical composition with flexible instrumental options. Recollection is excellent for teaching musicality and expressive musicianship.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB973 Full Score/Inst $11.95  
MCGB974 3-5 Oct HB or HC w/Opt Instr $4.95  

Ring Together Patriotic

Various, arr. McChesney, Kevin, Jeffers Publishing

Ringers will enjoy showing their patriotism with this installment of the Ring Together Series.

Selections include: "The Star-Spangled Banner", "Battle Hymn of the Republic", "America the Beautiful", "National Hymn", and "My Country 'Tis of Thee".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJHS9318 2-3 oct HB or HC Collection $5.95  

Shades of Forest Green

arr. Waugh, T., Ring Out Press

This setting of the familiar English melody is contemplative and mystical and is especially effective during Advent and Christmas. Mallets and finger cymbals are widely used throughout.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO2115 HB/Opt Finger Cymbals $4.50  


Compton, Matthew, Evergreen Music

Matthew Compton’s "Simplicity" was written for a dear friend who exemplifies humility, love, and kindness. This piece is a very accessible work that any group can put together in just a few rehearsals!

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MEGM109 3-6 oct HB with 3-7 oct HC $5.95  

Song of Celebration

Austin, Brenda E., Hope Publishing Co.

This original composition is accessible at Level 2, and includes many stopped techniques. Ideal for festival or any celebratory occasion.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP3051 3-5 oct HB with opt 2 oct HC $6.25  

Spiritus Sanctus

Compton, Matthew, Choristers Guild

"Spiritus Sanctus" is inspired by Hildegard von Bingen’s poem of the same name. The poem speaks of the Holy Spirit 'giving life to all life', 'moving all creatures', 'washing them clean', 'healing their wounds' and 'awakening the heart from its ancient sleep'. The ideas of life and movement are conveyed through tempo and key changes, as well as through various techniques.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB1167 3-7 oct HB with opt 3 oct HC $6.50  

Take Time in Life

Liberian Folk Song, arr. Ashurst, S. Greig, Hope Publishing Co.

"Take time in life. Take time in life. Take time in life 'cause you got far way to go. I was passing by my brother called to me. And he said to me you better take time in life." This work is based on a Liberian folk song and is a celebration of living life to its fullest.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP2953 3-5 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC and percussion $6.50  
MHP2953P Full Score and Percussion Parts $22.95  

Wade In the Water

Traditional Spiritual, arr. Tucker, Benjamin, Alfred Handbell /
Jubilate Music Group

Combining this well-known spiritual with a fast, yet "bluesy" feel creates a fun and exciting experience for players and listeners alike.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAP45230 3-5 oct HB with opt 3 oct HC $4.99