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All Things Bright and Beautiful

Shaw, Martin, arr. Austin, Brenda E., Jubilate Music Group

Brenda Austin's cheerful setting combines the beloved tune ROYAL OAK with an original melody.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJMG1333 3-5 oct HB with opt 2 oct HC $5.95  


Helman, Michael, Beckenhorst Press, Inc.

Written in honor of his grandsons, this delicate original from Michael Helman is perfect for the intermediate choir looking to focus on their musicality.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBEHB800 3-5 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC $4.95  

Come Christians Join to Sing

Hymn Tune, arr. Compton, Matthew, Evergreen Music

Matthew Compton has given us a rhythmic, light-hearted arrangement of the tune MADRID. Easy to learn and simply fun, this arrangement can be used throughout the year!

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MEGM116 3-6 oct HB with opt 3-6 oct HC $5.95  

Darkness in the Midst of the Storm

Fast, Mary Lou, From the Top Music

This original work by Mary Lou Fast was created during the Covid epidemic with heartfelt compassion for how so many people were feeling sad, depressed, and lonely. It is written in F-minor and built on the foundation of an 8-measure bass (pedal) line. From that was born this introspective and moving piece.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFM20711 3-5 oct HB with 3 oct HC $4.25  

Easter Joy

Various, arr. Behnke, John A., AGEHR Publishing

Using EASTER HYMN and MIT FREUDEN ZART, here's a great piece for the Easter season.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAG35260 Optional 3 Octave Handchimes. $4.95  

Fantasy on All Creatures of Our God and King

Hymn Tune, arr. Eithun, Sandra, G.I.A. Publications, Inc.

Sandra Eithun has arranged an impressive free form variation of this hallowed German hymn. Her imaginative use of chimes with bells presents an engaging musical fantasy.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGIG10915 3-5 oct HB with opt 5-7 oct HC $5.50  

For Good from Wicked

Schwartz, Stephen, arr. Eithun, Sandra, Hope Publishing Co.

Bring the magic of Broadway into your performance space with this exquisite handbell rendition of the beloved favorite from the Broadway musical Wicked.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP3072 3-6 oct HB with opt 3-7 oct HC
 $7.00  $6.30


Guebert, Alex, Ringing Word Publications

Alex Guebert brings us achingly beautiful music filled with sophistication and a heartfelt sense of beauty in a piece that is technically very straightforward and mastered quickly.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRW8274 3-5 oct HB or HC $4.95  


Sherman, A., Red River Music

The texture of this expressive work starts simply and then builds into a strong, fully-scored section. This section is abruptly followed by a passage of etheral sound produced by echo and mallets on suspended bells techniques. The opening material returns and builds to a strong finish.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRRHB0042 $4.95  

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Runyan, William M., arr. Eithun, Mitchell, Ring Out Press

While there are many complicated arrangements of this great hymn, this setting from Mitchell Eithun gives us a fresh take that will be accessible to most choirs.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3387 2-3 oct HB with opt 2-3 oct HC $5.25  
MRO3388 3-5 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC $5.95  

Hear Our Prayers

Gross, William E., G.I.A. Publications, Inc.

This original composition draws the listener in with an unpretentious beginning. It then builds with intensity carried by an undulating rhythm flowing with emotion.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGIG11112 3-5 oct HB
 $5.50  $4.95

In the Shadow of Your Wings

Buckwalter, Karen L., Beckenhorst Press, Inc.

This introspective 3-6 octave handbell original is a haunting and emotional piece that explores themes of comfort, solace, and protection. The piece features a poignant melody supported by gentle harmonies and evocative textures.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBEHB787 3-6 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC $5.95  

Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

Hymn Tune, arr. Mallory, Ron, Ring Out Press

Starting with a festive bell peal before launching into the well-known hymn tune, this vibrant arrangement of EASTER HYMN helps set a celebratory mood for any Easter service, concert, or festival.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3401 3-6 oct HB with opt 2 oct HC
 $5.25  $4.73

Jubilant Praise

Black, Jantz A., Hope Publishing Co.

We welcome Jantz Black to the Hope catalogue with this energetic, original composition featuring an array of techniques sure to appeal to bell choirs and listeners.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP2990 3-6 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC and Percussion $7.00  

Just Because He Lives

Gaither, William J. and Gloria, arr. Raney, Joel, Hope Publishing Co.

This fresh, accessible setting of the Gaither's "Because He Lives" is written for Level 2+ handbells and optional piano.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP3087 3-5 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC and piano
 $7.00  $6.30
MHP3087D Full Score and Piano Part
 $16.95  $15.26

Lead On O King Eternal

Smart, Henry, arr. Phillips, Judy, Ringing Word Publications

"Lancashire" hymn tune by Henry Smart has never seen a more "happy and dance-like" rendition of his tune than this arrangement by Judy Philips. The driving energy, playful syncopation,well-placed staccatos, and strong textures all contribute to the joyful nature of the work.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRW8147 $4.50  

Lord Now Sends Us Forth

Central American Folk Melody, arr. Moklebust, Cathy, Choristers Guild

This uplifting arrangement of the Central American folk melody "Enviado soy de Dios" (ENVIADO) is flexible and accessible. The underlying malleted rhythm pattern is very repetitive, making it easy to learn. Techniques abound with martellato, mallets, shakes, and LV.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB1329 Full Score
 $17.95  $16.16
MCGB1330 2-3 oct HB with opt 2-3 oct HC, perc, and guitar
 $6.50  $5.85
MCGB1331 3-5 oct HB with opt 3-5 Oct HC, perc, and guitar
 $6.50  $5.85
MCGRP67 Instrument Parts
 $13.95  $12.56
+ Expand list for more items

Love Will Keep Us Together

Sedaka, Neil & Greenfield, Howard, arr. Peery, Charles E., From the Top Music

This hit song from the 1970s has been artfully arranged for handbells and is true to the original work. A very effective mix of stopped sounds and ringing makes this a delightful work, perfect for your next concert.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFM20481 3-5 Oct HB $4.95  

Mamma Mia

Anderson, Stig; Ulvaeus, Bjorn; and Andersson, Benny, arr. Scholes, Linda, Jeffers Publishing

First, it was a huge hit by the supergroup ABBA. Then it was part of the smash Broadway musical of the same name. Now, it's a fun and exciting addition to our Handbells ROCK series!

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJHS9631 3-7 oct HB and 3 oct HC $5.95  

Meditation on An Irish Folk Melody

Irish Folk Melody, arr. Holdsworth, Rick, Ring Out Press

This beautiful, flowing treatment of the hymn tune SALLY GARDENS from the pen of Rick Holdsworth starts with an ethereal mood created by singing bells and LV's in the melody line.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3400 3-5 oct HB
 $5.25  $4.73


Krug, Jason, Red River Music

“Milele” means “forever” in Swahili, and the haunting melody and African rhythms make this original by Jason Krug a truly stunning work.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRRBL5087 3-6 Oct HB with Opt D8, 3 Oct HC & Perc $5.50  
MRRBL5087C SATB $2.35  
MRRBL5087P Percussion Parts $10.00  

Near to the Heart of God

Various, arr. Glasgow, Michael J., Choristers Guild

Commissioned for RingFest (an annual advanced-level youth festival in Ohio), this work blends together the beloved hymn tunes McAFEE and BETHANY with flowing lines, rich harmony, and abundant expressive opportunities. The arrangement includes an optional (reproducible) choral tag, an unexpected performance option that closes the piece with the ringers and/or additional vocalists singing an unaccompanied stanza of "Nearer, My God, to Thee"; this is especially compelling in massed-ringing festival settings.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB1376 3-6 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC and opt SATB ending
 $5.95  $5.36

Palm Sunday Festival

Hymn Tunes, arr. Helman, Michael, Beckenhorst Press, Inc.

Celebrate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem with this medley of several well-known Palm Sunday tunes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBEHB828 2-3 oct HB
 $4.95  $4.46
MBEHB829 3-6 oct HB
 $4.95  $4.46


Webber, Kyle, Ringing Word Publications

“Pax”, of course, means peace, and this original from the talented pen of Kyle Webber is peaceful, flowing, and prayerful.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRW8281 3-5 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC $4.95  

Pirates of the Caribbean

Badelt, Klaus, arr. McChesney, Kevin, Jeffers Publishing

"Shiver Me Timbers!" It's an arrangement of the movie music from Disney's blockbuster hit, "Pirates of the Caribbean"!

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJHS9402 $4.50  

Praise to the Lord the Almighty

Traditional, arr. Moklebust, Cathy, Concordia Publishing House

Alternating between 6/8 and 3/4 meters and accompanied by energetic LV eighth-note patterns, this sparkling arrangement of LOBE DEN HERREN is a thrilling addition to the handbell repertoire.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCO977854 3-5 Oct HB with Opt 3-5 Oct HC $4.50  

Praise to the Lord the Almighty

Traditional, arr. Larson, LLoyd, Beckenhorst Press, Inc.

This approachable setting of the hymn tune LOBE DEN HERREN is perfect for use throughout the church year.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBEHB835 3-5 oct HB
 $4.95  $4.46

Prelude on Thaxted

Traditional, arr. Helman, Michael, AGEHR Publishing

Beautifully arranged as a commission by Area VII in honor of past Chair Alanna Taragawa, this setting of the powerful Holst tune, which has been used with a number of modern hymn texts, makes wonderful use of handbells and handchimes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAG36045 3, 4, 5 or 6 Octave Handbells with Optional 3, 4 or 5 Octave Handchimes. $5.50  

Psalm 139

Gramann, Fred, Choristers Guild

Psalm 139 is among those which are addressed to the "leader" or "choirmaster". The language assures us that God knows us thoroughly and in all situations, doing so by employing contrasting ideas: 'when I sit / when I rise'; 'if I go up to the heavens / if I make my bed in the depths'; 'If I rise on the wings of the dawn / surely the darkness of night will hide me.'

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB1276 3-5 oct HB $4.95  


Waugh, Timothy, Choristers Guild

Selected for the 17th International Handbell Symposium 2016 in Vancouver, Canada, Recollection is a soothing, lyrical composition with flexible instrumental options. Recollection is excellent for teaching musicality and expressive musicianship.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB973 Full Score/Inst $11.95  
MCGB974 3-5 Oct HB or HC w/Opt Instr $4.95  

Rejoice the Lord Is King

Darwall, John, arr. Scholes, Linda , Beckenhorst Press, Inc.

This powerful setting of DARWALL'S 148TH is a perfect choice for the Easter season or any time something bold and celebratory is called for.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBEHB822 2-3 oct HB
 $4.95  $4.46
MBEHB823 3-6 oct HB
 $4.95  $4.46

Reviving Spirit

Krug, Jason W., Grassy Meadow Music

Winner of the 2025 Handbell Musicians of America Area 2 composition contest, this original tune is full of energy and excitement! The piece explores various styles and moods, always returning to the same fun, memorable theme.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGMH350056 3-6 oct HB with opt 2 oct HC
 $5.50  $4.95

Shades of Forest Green

arr. Waugh, T., Ring Out Press

This setting of the familiar English melody is contemplative and mystical and is especially effective during Advent and Christmas. Mallets and finger cymbals are widely used throughout.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO2115 HB/Opt Finger Cymbals $4.50  


Compton, Matthew, Evergreen Music

Matthew Compton’s "Simplicity" was written for a dear friend who exemplifies humility, love, and kindness. This piece is a very accessible work that any group can put together in just a few rehearsals!

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MEGM109 3-6 oct HB with 3-7 oct HC $5.95  

Somebody's Knockin at Your Door

Traditional Spiritual, arr. Austin, Brenda E., Hope Publishing Co.

Feel the pulse of excitement as vibrant handbells come alive, creating an electrifying rhythm that’s impossible to resist.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP3071 3-5 oct HB
 $6.25  $5.63

Soul Search

American Folk Hymn, arr. Gramann, Fred, From the Top Music

Fred Gramann has crafted a unique and creative setting of the American folk hymn, “Poor Wayfaring Stranger” for handbells. It begins with only a hint of the tune in quarter notes while using the swing technique on sustained notes as the foundation for a gradual increase in energy through eighths notes and triplets.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFM20884 5-7 Oct Handbells with 3 Oct Handchimes
 $6.25  $5.63


Ruiz, Pablo Beltran, arr. Eithun, Sandra, Hope Publishing Co.

To honor their 25th year, San Francisco Area’s Bay Bells has commissioned this handbell setting of Pablo Beltran Ruiz’s well-known mambo tune, “Sway” (“Quien Sera”).

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP2587 3 to 6 Octave Handbell score $7.00  
MHP2587P Percussion Part--conga, guiro, and cowbel $22.95  

Sweet Hour of Prayer with Softly and Tenderly

Hymn Tunes, arr. Turner, Julie, G.I.A. Publications, Inc.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGIG11230 3-5 oct HB with opt 3 oct HC
 $4.95  $4.46

Thy Presence My Light

Hymn Tunes, arr. Eithun, Sandra, Beckenhorst Press, Inc.

The hymn tunes SLANE and PROSPECT are combined into a rich musical tapestry that takes listeners on a musical journey, which ends on a bold, triumphant note as the two tunes are played against one another, yielding a satisfying overall effect.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBEHB820 3-5 oct HB with opt 3 oct HC
 $4.95  $4.46

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Lemmel, Helen H., arr. McChesney, Kevin, Jeffers Publishing

Originally written in 1922, "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" has since become a popular chorus in the praise and worship genre and has been recorded by many well-known contemporary acts.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJHS9645 3-5 oct HB
 $5.25  $4.73

Viva La Vida

ColdPlay, arr. McChesney, Kevin, Hope Publishing Co.

Prolific handbell arranger Kevin McChesney follows up Keith Richards' arrangement of Coldplay's "Clocks with another Coldplay title in an arrangement that begins with easy-to-master malleted patterns, and builds with excitement as the melody soars in the treble bells.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
A496 Performance/Accompaniment CD $29.95  
MHP2624 3 to 5 Octave Handbells with Optional Rhythm. $7.00  
MHP2624R Rhythm Parts: Guitar, Bass, Synthesizer and Drums. $22.95  


Lennon, John & McCartney, Paul, arr. Roth, Karen, Jeffers Publishing

This timeless classic from the Beatles is one of the most recorded tunes of all time, and it's easy to understand why with this arrangement from the Handbells ROCK! series.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJHS9564 3-5 oct HB $4.25