Home > Articles > 2017 Community Groups Fall Auditions
2017 Community Groups Fall Auditions
Laurie Lackey
Audition Information
(listed alphabetically by state)
San Jose, CA
Bay Bells is looking for a few fabulous ringers to join us this season. The best fit will be a competent ringer looking to take their skills to the next level. We rehearse in the Music Building at San Jose State University. Our first rehearsal begins Sunday, August 27th at 3 pm. Please contact director Kendra Scott at kendra@baybells.org if you are interested
Wilmington, DE
The Wilmington Handbell Ensemble is looking for an experienced bass bell ringer to join us for the 2017-2018 concert season. Interested persons should contact Director Kerry Dietz for audition details. Learn more about our group at www.wilmingtonhandbellensemble.org
Winter Park, FL
Magic of Bronze is a community handbell ensemble serving the Central Florida community. While our auditioned group is full for the fall, we are always looking for ringers for our non-auditioned ensemble or as subs. Contact info@magicofbronze.com or visit our website www.magicofbronze.com for more information
New Port Richey, FL
For information regarding auditions, available positions, and appearances, please find us on Facebook or email suncoastbronze@outlook.com
Springfield, IL
Rehearsals one Saturday a month; concerts first weekend in December and May. For further details, please go to www.bellsinmotion.org
Greenwood, IN
Joyful Sound is a community handbell group located on the southside of Indianapolis in Greenwood, Indiana. Contact June Hannah at junehannah3@gmail.com for audition information or to schedule a concert
Boston, MA
Back Bay Ringers is holding auditions for their 2017-2018 ringing season on Monday, August 21 at First Church Boston (66 Marlborough Street). Potential ringers are urged to contact Artistic Director Griff Gall (ggall@backbayringers.org) for more information. Information about the organization can be found at: www.backbayringers.org
Detroit, MI
An audition application can be found on our website (http://www.ringdetroit.org/auditions). Upon receipt, an audition will be scheduled. Contact Ellen Woodard, Audition Coordinator, at auditions@ringdetroit.org for any additional questions
Grand Rapids, MI
Embellish Handbell Ensemble is an auditioned group of 16 ringers. Members audition each year and new ringers are always welcome to audition! Contact director Stephanie Wiltse at wiltse@iserv.net for more information
Omaha, NE
For information concerning rehearsal times and concert dates, questions about the group, or to schedule an audition time, please contact us through this form on our website. http://rivercityringers.com/contact/audition/
North Carolina
Mooresville, NC
Bells of Lake Norman, Lake Norman's only community ensemble, is holding open auditions for a few open spots on August 22, 29, and September 5 at 6:30 pm. These will be held at Centre Presbyterian Church, Mooresville NC. Please contact John Johnston at bellsoflakenorman@gmail.com
Charlotte, NC
Auditions will be held Monday, August 28. Please go to www.charlottebronze.org for further details
Charlotte, NC
Auditions will be held on Tuesday, August 22 at 7:00 PM for the 2017-2018 season. For more information, please visit www.QueenCityRingers.org or email queencityringers@gmail.com
Cincinnatti, OH
Queen City Bronze is seeking new musicians. We are holding auditions on September 10 at 2pm at John Wesley UMC 1972 W Kemper Rd Cincinnati, OH. Visit queencitybronze.org for more information or to contact our music director
Dayton, OH
For more information or to set up an audition, contact the Sinclair Music Department at 937-512-4580
Pittsburgh, PA
Open auditions at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 1965 Ferguson Road, Allison Park, PA, 15101. Contact Jim Rossetti at ringpittsburgh@comcast.net for more information
South Carolina
Charleston, SC
Experienced ringers needed immediately for advanced community handbell ensemble. Rehearsals are on Sundays at 5:30 PM at Summerville Baptist Church, Summerville, SC. For more information, see our website: www.palmettobronze.com or contact Marcia Brantley at bellwoman@yahoo.com
Southern Bronze
Columbia, SC
Southern Bronze, the only advanced community handbell ensemble in the midlands of SC, will have openings this fall. Rehearsals are Sunday evenings from 6-8. For more information, contact Betty Myers at SouthernBronze@gmail.com
Harrisburg, VA
Rehearsals on Thursdays 3:30-5:30. Contact Kath Wissinger at Longwalk3@aol.com to schedule an audition
Perm-Link: http://www.HandbellWorld.com/articles/2017-community-groups-fall-auditions