Your #1 source for Handbell & Handchime Sheet Music.
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  • ChromoNotes® Chime Set
  • KidsPlay®
  • Malmark Instruments
  • Suzuki Instruments
  • Uchida Bells
  • Whitechapel Instruments

1 - 12 of 12 records

Whitechapel Handbells

Whitechapel Handbells have enjoyed a rich history. Handbells were invented to allow members of change ringing teams to practice at home or in local pubs. The Whitechapel Handbell has been the model for handbells all over the world. Our customer support team can help you develop a package to fit your needs!

Please note: Prices are listed in Great Britain Pounds (GBP), with an estimated conversion to US Dollars (USD). Please call for the most current pricing as the exchange rate changes frequently. Final costs will be determined based on the exchange rate at the time the order is shipped.

Also, budget an additional 30% for shipping and customs. Actual shipping and customs will be charged.

Item # GBP Price USD Price Qty.
8115 £34,837 $53,871.07
8105 £31,044 $48,005.67
8114 £23,935 $37,012.49
8104 £21,475 $33,208.40
8113 £17,532 $27,111.05
8103 £15,975 $24,703.34
8112 £11,928 $18,445.16
8102 £10,913 $16,875.59
8155 £3,793 $5,865.40
8154 £2,460 $3,804.08
8213 £1,809 $2,797.39
8214 £1,809 $2,797.39
8153 £1,557 $2,407.71
8215 £1,523 $2,355.13
8216 £1,523 $2,355.13
8217 £1,320 $2,041.22
8218 £1,103 $1,705.65
8219 £1,103 $1,705.65
8152 £1,015 $1,569.57
8220 £934 $1,444.31
8221 £934 $1,444.31
8222 £871 $1,346.89
8223 £871 $1,346.89
8224 £827 $1,278.85
8225 £764 $1,181.43
8226 £764 $1,181.43
8227 £723 $1,118.03
8228 £723 $1,118.03
8229 £678 $1,048.44
8230 £639 $988.13
8231 £639 $988.13
8232 £603 $932.46
8233 £603 $932.46
8234 £560 $865.97
8235 £560 $865.97
8236 £508 $785.56
8237 £474 $732.98
8238 £474 $732.98
8239 £460 $711.33
8240 £460 $711.33
8241 £436 $674.22
8242 £429 $663.39
8243 £429 $663.39
8244 £415 $641.75
8245 £415 $641.75
8246 £408 $630.92
8247 £408 $630.92
8248 £385 $595.35
8249 £375 $579.89
8250 £375 $579.89
8251 £374 $578.34
8252 £374 $578.34
8253 £351 $542.78
8254 £350 $541.23
8255 £350 $541.23
8256 £337 $521.13
8257 £337 $521.13
8258 £336 $519.58
8259 £336 $519.58
8260 £330 $510.30
8261 £328 $507.21
8262 £328 $507.21
8284 £321 $496.39
8285 £321 $496.39
8282 £321 $496.39
8283 £321 $496.39
8280 £321 $496.39
8281 £321 $496.39
8279 £321 $496.39
8278 £321 $496.39
8277 £321 $496.39
8275 £321 $496.39
8276 £321 $496.39
8273 £321 $496.39
8274 £321 $496.39
8272 £321 $496.39
8270 £321 $496.39
8271 £321 $496.39
8268 £321 $496.39
8269 £321 $496.39
8266 £321 $496.39
8267 £321 $496.39
8265 £321 $496.39
8263 £321 $496.39
8264 £321 $496.39

ToneChimes® by Suzuki

An excellent, economical purchase, Suzuki Tone Chimes® have a rounded tubular design that provides a comfortable grip for any player. The clappers are adjustable for variable expression, and the chimes are black and white color coded with note name identification. Tone Chimes® are sold with heavy-duty travel cases.

Prices do not include shipping. Shipping will be actual charges based on your bells shipping from the factory.

Item # Detail Price Qty.
4202 2 Octaves With Case $1,399.99
4203 3rd Octave 12-Note Add-on With Case $1,099.99
4204 4th Octave 12-Note Add-on With Case $1,149.99
4205 7-Note Bass Bar Set with Case $1,699.99
4222 This item is not available. $93.00  
4223 This item is not available. $31.00  
4225 This item is not available. $0.00  

Malmark Handbells

The bell craftsmen at Malmark have earned global respect for their emphasis on quality. Outstanding tuning and engineering are backed by a lifetime warranty. You may select a discounted package of equipment and supplies tailored to your needs from our complete catalog. Standard Malmark packages of equipment and supplies are also available. We welcome your request for more information. Our sales people can help you develop a package to fit your needs!

Prices do not include shipping.
Shipping will be actual charges based on your bells shipping from Plumsteadville, PA.

Item # Detail Price Qty.
9102 $3.50
9103 $28.00
9104 $45.00
9106 C5 - G6 Diatonic $5,470.00
9107 G4 - F#6 Diatonic $6,875.00
9111 C5-C6 $6,200.00
9112 G4-G6 $11,970.00
9113 C4-C7 $19,880.00
9114 G3-G7 $30,065.00
9115 C3-C8 $46,780.00
9116 $67,850.00
9117 $103,985.00
9132 G4-B4, C#6-G6 $6,070.00
9133 C4-F#4, G#6-C7 $8,155.00
9134 G3-B3, C#7-G7 $10,495.00
9135 C3-F#3, G#7-C8 $17,235.00
9136 $21,715.00
9137 $37,260.00
9151 $425.00
9152 $425.00
9153 $360.00
9154 $360.00
9155 $400.00
9156 $300.00
9157 $500.00
9158 $500.00
9159 $275.00
9161 $425.00
9162 $425.00
9163 $425.00
9164 $425.00
9165 $425.00
9166 $300.00
9213 Handbell C3; Bronze $2,700.00
9214 Handbell C#3; Bronze $2,700.00
9215 Handbell D3; Bronze $2,650.00
9216 Handbell D#3; Bronze $2,650.00
9217 Handbell E3; Bronze $2,350.00
9218 Handbell F3; Bronze $2,100.00
9219 Handbell F#3; Bronze $2,100.00
9220 $2,000.00
9221 $2,000.00
9222 $1,800.00
9223 $1,800.00
9224 $1,600.00
9225 $1,100.00
9226 $1,100.00
9227 $1,050.00
9228 $1,050.00
9229 $900.00
9230 $850.00
9231 $850.00
9232 $800.00
9233 $800.00
9234 $675.00
9235 $675.00
9236 $625.00
9237 $575.00
9238 $575.00
9239 $565.00
9240 $565.00
9241 $550.00
9242 $540.00
9243 $540.00
9244 $525.00
9245 $525.00
9246 $510.00
9247 $510.00
9248 $500.00
9249 $475.00
9250 $475.00
9251 $460.00
9252 $460.00
9253 $450.00
9254 $435.00
9255 $435.00
9256 $425.00
9257 $425.00
9258 $405.00
9259 $405.00
9260 $390.00
9261 $350.00
9262 $350.00
9263 $350.00
9264 $350.00
9265 $350.00
9266 $350.00
9267 $350.00
9268 $350.00
9269 $350.00
9270 $350.00
9271 $350.00
9272 $350.00
9273 $350.00
9274 $375.00
9275 $375.00
9276 $375.00
9277 $375.00
9278 $375.00
9279 $375.00
9280 $375.00
9281 $425.00
9282 $425.00
9283 $425.00
9284 $425.00
9290 per character $1.00
9122 This item is not available. $0.00  
9123 This item is not available. $0.00  
9124 This item is not available. $0.00  
9125 This item is not available. $0.00  
9143 This item is not available. $0.00  
9144 This item is not available. $0.00  
9145 This item is not available. $0.00  
9160 This item is not available. $0.00  
9201 This item is not available. $6,400.00  
9202 This item is not available. $4,900.00  
9203 This item is not available. $4,900.00  
9204 This item is not available. $4,900.00  
9205 This item is not available. $4,500.00  
9206 This item is not available. $4,500.00  
9207 This item is not available. $4,500.00  
9208 This item is not available. $3,600.00  
9209 This item is not available. $3,600.00  
9210 This item is not available. $3,600.00  
9211 This item is not available. $3,600.00  
9212 This item is not available. $3,050.00  
9291 This item is not available. $69.00  
9292 This item is not available. $89.00  
9293 This item is not available. $99.00  
9301 This item is not available. $9,460.00  
9302 This item is not available. $11,210.00  
9303 This item is not available. $18,200.00  
9304 This item is not available. $25,875.00  
9305 This item is not available. $39,960.00  
9306 This item is not available. $60,680.00  

KidsPlay® Handbell Sets

Top quality construction and amazingly clear intonation make these handbell sets a great value. Each of the brightly-colored, easy-to-handle metal bells has note names and numbers for the scale tone clearly marked on top of the handle. The handles are 5" long, enabling players to grasp the bells securely.

For more advanced ringers, item # 4075 consists of 25 black and white bells which correspond to a piano keyboard.

The heavy-duty nylon cases* (purchased separately) make storing and transporting bells easy. The case for the 25-note sets does not have dividers but is large enough to store 4 boxes of the bells.

Additional music designed for KidsPlay Bell Sets or any 8-20 note instrument is available. We also have color-coded cards and an instructional video available for use with these Handbell sets!

*Cases have a 90-day limited warranty from the date of purchase.  Cases are NOT included.

Item # Detail Price Qty.
4075 25 chromatic (black/white) bells $195.00
4079 add-on to 20 note set $58.00
4080 8 diatonic bells $48.00
4081 add-on to 8 note set $42.00
4082 add-on to 13 note set $58.00
4083 13 chromatic bells $90.00
4084 20 chromatic bells $145.00
4085 25 chromatic (colored) bells $200.00
4086 case for 8 note sets $17.00
4087 case for 13 note sets $31.00
4088 case for 20 note sets $44.00
4089 case for 25 note sets (no dividers) $44.95

KidsPlay® Deskbell Sets

Deskbells are the easiest to play, getting a quick response by simply tapping the top of each bell. They come with a song sheet, but we recommend using the 8 Note Bell Song book (available separately), which include 25 songs each with music, words, chord symbols and names of notes and numbers for easy playing.  The heavy-duty nylon cases* (purchased separately) make storing and transporting bells easy.  Additional music designed for KidsPlay® Bell Sets or any 8-20 note instrument is available separately. We also have color coded cards and an instructional video available for use with these deskbell sets!  (Ages 3+)

Item # Detail Price Qty.
4090 8 diatonic bells $62.00
4091 add-on to 8 note set $40.00
4092 add-on to 13 note set $58.00
4093 13 chromatic bells $100.00
4094 20 chromatic bells $160.00
4096 case for 8 note sets $38.00
4097 case for 13 note sets $40.00
4098 This item is not available. $47.50  

KidsPlay® Combined Handbells/Deskbells

This set of bells combines the features of both the Handbells and Deskbells into one handy and versatile product. The special mechanism not only allows the bells to be played either by hand ringing or pushing the button; but also helps to reduce the 'double ring' effect when playing melodies. The heavy-duty nylon cases* (purchased separately) make storing and transporting bells easy.  Additional music designed for KidsPlay Bell Sets or any 8-20 note instrument is available. We also have color coded cards and an instructional video available for use with these Handbell sets!

*Cases have a 90-day limited warranty from the date of purchase.  Cases are NOT included.


Item # Detail Price Qty.
4060 8 diatonic bells $66.00
4061 add-on to 8 note set $46.00
4062 add-on to 13 note set $68.00
4063 13 chromatic bells $114.00
4064 20 chromatic bells $180.00
4065 case for 8 note sets $20.00
4066 case for 13 note sets $33.00
4067 case for 20 note sets $48.00

KidsPlay® Chime Sets

Finally - colorful handchimes!  Focusing on tone and durability, these chimes were designed with the beginning children's choir or music class in mind.  Set comes with 8 handchimes, a plastic storage/carrying case and a rubber mat for the chimes.  The 5 note chromatic add-on set also comes in a plastic storage/carrying case, with a rubber mat for the chimes.  The 13 note set comes in two cases, with the rubber mats in each case.  Travel and storage are a cinch!

Please note that KidsPlay colors and Boomwhacker colors are different.  ChromoNotes® chimes, which are compatible with Boomwhacker colors, are also available.

*One year warranty

Item # Detail Price Qty.
4035 8 diatonic chimes $168.00
4036 add-on to 8 note set $129.00
4037 13 chromatic chimes $270.00

CymbellsTM by Malmark

Malmark™ brings the ease of ringing melody lines, percussive patterns and ostinati to you with their latest product design. Enjoy the sound of quality with these authentic Malmark™ handbell castings. Each set contains 13 chromatic castings mounted to a rack, a stand and 2 mallets. All fit neatly into a custom carrying case (included). Available in three chromatic octaves. Ringing has never been so easy.

Prices do not include shipping.
Shipping will be actual charges based on your bells shipping from Plumsteadville, PA.

Item # Detail Price Qty.
9349 C5 - C6 $2,400.00
9350 C6 - C7 $1,950.00
9351 C7 - C8 $1,650.00

ChromaNotes® Chime Set

Finally - colorful handchimes!  Focusing on tone and durability, these chimes were designed with the beginning children's choir or music class in mind.  Set comes with 8 handchimes, a plastic storage/carrying case and a rubber mat for the chimes.  The 5 note chromatic add-on set also comes in a plastic storage/carrying case, with a rubber mat for the chimes.  The 13 note set comes in two cases, with the rubber mats in each case.  Travel and storage are a cinch!

ChromaNotes® chimes are compatible with Boomwhackers® colors.  Please note that ChromaNotes and Boomwhackers colors are different from KidsPlay colors.  KidsPlay® chimes are also available.

*One year warranty

Item # Detail Price Qty.
4030 8 diatonic chimes $168.00
4031 add-on to 8 note set $129.00
4032 13 chromatic chimes $270.00

Choirchimes® Classroom Set

Malmark ChoirChimes® are ideal for any general music classroom as the ability to produce music is almost immediate. This classroom set includes 16 ChoirChimes (C5-A6 diatonic, plus F#5, A#5 & F#6), a heavy duty, roll-up soft carrying case and the new educational resource for grades K-5, "Ring, Dance, Play"

Prices do not include shipping.
Shipping will be actual charges based on your bells shipping from Plumsteadville, PA.

Item # Detail Price Qty.
4181 $1,280.00

Choirchimes® By Malmark

Proven quality chimes. Malmark's advanced clapper design is strong and requires little maintenance. The result is a quiet, smooth action! Chimes are a wonderful education resource for all grade levels, and an economical addition to your bell program. Chimes are sold with cases. Please allow at least 2 - 3 weeks for delivery (for upper octaves add 1 week).

Prices do not include shipping. Shipping will be actual charges based on your bells shipping from Plumsteadville, PA.

Item # Detail Price Qty.
4121 25 Notes (G4 to G6) with 1 case $2,195.00
4123 $0.00
4131 37 Notes (C4 to C7) with 2 cases $3,640.00
4133 12 Notes (C4 to F#4 & G#6 to C7) with 1 case $1,450.00
4141 49 Notes (G3 to G7) with 3 cases $5,725.00
4144 12 Notes (G3 to B3 & C#7 to G7) with 1 case $2,095.00
4151 61 Notes (C3 to C8) with 5 cases $8,600.00
4155 12 Notes (C3 to F#3 & G#7 to C8) with 2 cases $2,890.00
4161 66 Notes (G2 to C8) with 7 cases $12,650.00
4166 5 Notes (G2 to B2) with 2 cases $4,275.00
4177 7 Chimes (C2 - F#2) with 3 Cases, 2 Lambswool Mallets, Rolling Rack and Rack Case $7,595.00
4122 This item is not available. $93.00  
4125 This item is not available. $5.00  
4126 This item is not available. $6.50  

Cajon Drums by MalmarkTM Percussion

Malmark™ is pleased to introduce our new family of Cajon Drums. Each Cajon was designed to be the perfect instrument to add an authentic drum sound to any music program. With five different models to choose from, each with their own unique and professional sound, you are sure to find the perfect drum to complement every style of music.

Prices do not include shipping.
Shipping will be actual charges based on your cajon shipping from Plumsteadville, PA.

Item # Detail Price Qty.
8400 La Piba $159.00
8401 El Guapo $460.00
8402 El Jefe $225.00
8403 El Maestro $189.00
8406 Pedal Cajon $400.00
8404 This item is not available. $159.00  
8405 This item is not available. $159.00  

1 - 12 of 12 records