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Shopping at HandbellWorld--Hints and Troubleshooting
Jeff Curran
We at Jeffers Handbell Supply have worked hard to make our web site - - the most complete internet resource for all things handbell. We are continually updating the site with the latest products and information, as well as adding new features to make your visit to HandbellWorld faster and more enjoyable. Our goal is to provide the same quality shopping experience you would get by calling us or visiting us at one of the many festivals we attend. Here now are a few tips to enhance your shopping trip to HandbellWorld: 1. It is better to log in and then shop, not shop and then log in. Login is the process by which you are "made known" to our server. When you submit your login name and password, you are utilizing the credentials that make shopping on HandbellWorld possible. Although it is possible to shop and then login later, by doing so you run the risk of losing shopping cart items when the "cookie" is written to your browser's temporary internet files. 2. Be patient when using the shopping cart, especially if you are using a "dial up" modem. We try to make HandbellWorld as secure as possible. Secure operations require commands that are contained in a "cabinet" that is downloaded from our server to your machine. These commands enhance the security between your machine and HandbellWorld and are also required for proper operation of the shopping cart. The file is typically required only once unless it has been physically removed from your machine. If you are a "baseband" (dialup modem) user, this process may take a few minutes. Broadband (DSL/Cable Modem) users will notice much faster installation. 3. Minimize the number of accounts you use. We understand that sometimes you just can't remember your username or password; however, creating numerous accounts to accommodate forgotten usernames and/or passwords clutters the database and makes it less efficient for everyone. If you forget your username or password, we'll email it to you, or you may call our toll-free number (1-800-JHS-BELL) and get the information you need with minimal delay. Ideally, there should be one customer record per customer. It is okay, however, to have separate accounts for your church and individual use. 4. Keep your email address up to date. This one is pretty obvious: If the email address we have on file for you is not valid, our ability to contact you becomes much more complicated. It becomes much harder to contact you regarding your order or to send you username and password information if needed. And on a related note, do not use your email address as your username. If you have to create a new account and username each time your email address changes, we run into the "multiple account" problem referenced above. 5. Maintain your web browser and your machine. This is just a good idea in general. You should periodically empty your browser cache (temporary internet files) and clear your history as a matter of regular maintenance. It is okay to delete all "cookies" (text files which store user preferences), as they will simply begin to accumulate again immediately. Also, running the soft error checks (like chkdsk and scandisk) will eliminate many problems before they snowball into catastrophic events. Disk defragmentation utilities (like defrag) should also be run to increase disk optimization and improve performance. Ideally, soft maintenance utilities such as these should be run BEFORE a problem occurs rather than in an attempt to recover from one! 6. Let us know if you're having problems. We are happy to help resolve any issues. You are never the problem. You're the reason we exist, and we are here for you!