This original Level 4 masterwork is chromatic, darkly emotive, shifting through many key changes and spanning the entire 3-7 octave range of bells (+ optional chimes). The main theme bookends a lighter mid-section with alternate treble bells. Carefully balanced voicing among all the parts and a legato ringing style will highlight the lyric melodies and the arpeggiated accompaniment. Overlapped damping (sometimes referred to as dirty damping or delayed damping) is appropriate, at the director's discretion. The B4 and C5 sometimes appear in the treble clef for clearer voicing.
Created by Kathleen Wissinger (an accomplished classical pianist as well as an astute composer in the handbell idiom) this riveting Chopinesque piece is a perfect showcase for Bronze-level concerts and advanced festival conference settings, and could be an appropriate capstone piece for a workshop focusing on legato lyric ringing or accidentals. It may also be used during Lent or Passion week, for Maundy Thursday or Good Friday (retitle it if you wish; something like "The Last Days" or "What Greater Love"). Dedicated to Alanna Teragawa and Julie Murphy, who were there when this piece was born, and to the author's parents, Mary Lou and George Gardner, who heard its continual refinement over many years. Keys of C minor, Eb minor, E major, C major, A minor. 138 measures. Performance time 5:40. Demo recording is courtesy of RiverBend Bronze; John Klopp, Sr., director. Available as individual hardcopy scores or as a reproducible Digital Site License download.