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KidzRing Hymns Vol 1
KidzRing Hymns Vol 1

Review:      "KidzRing" contains very easy music for pre-school through early elementary school aged children that can be played on any 8-20 note instruments such as Kidsplay handbells, Belleplates, Boomwhackers, Handchimes or Handbells. The "KidzRing" series is designed to grow with the children's abilities. Multiple arrangements are provided for the pieces, adding accompaniment which builds on the previous arrangement. It is intended for pre-reading through beginning note reading; as a bridge between color coded music and standard beginning handbell literature. Although it is designed for very young ringers, this is not color-coded music. Children read real music, and the names of notes are inside the noteheads to facilitate sight reading for pre-readers. There isn't a lot of literature currently available for children this young, so there is a need for this type of material. This arranger has had great success teaching children as young as 4 to play simple hymns, chord patterns, and various handbell techniques with this method. The songs have been arranged so that either the melody method or chord method of playing can be used.

Published by: 4-Tolled Publishing

 Part of the Series:
KidzRing Music for 8-20 Note Instruments
(Four Tolled Publishing)

Titles are listed below
Nelson, Susan T.
Season: All Year
Classification: Beginning Music - step 2, "Very Easy" , Reproducible , Hymn Tune , Treble Clef Only , Collection
Instrument: Handbells & Voices , Handbells OR Chimes , Kidsplay Bells
Bells Used: Two Octaves: 20 Bells
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MFT4T13 For any 8-20 note instruments such as Kidsplay handbells, Belleplates, Boomwhackers, Handchimes or Handbells.   $20.99 S  
Titles include:
  • Tallis Canon
  • Amazing Grace (Version 1)
  • Amazing Grace (Version 2)
  • Lead On, Oh King Eternal
  • Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow (Version 1)
  • Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow (Version 2)
  • Adoro te Devote (Version 1)
  • Adoro te Devote (Version 2)
  • Ringing of the Hour in G
  • Faith of Our Fathers (Version 1)
  • Faith of Our Fathers (Version 2)
  • Beautiful Savior (Version 1)
  • Beautiful Savior (Version 2)
  • O God, Our Help in Ages Past (Version 1)
  • O God, Our Help in Ages Past (Version 2)
  • O God, Our Help in Ages Past (Version 3)
  • Ode to Joy (Version 1)
  • Ode to Joy (Version 2)
  • Ode to Joy (Version 3)
  • Ode to Joy (Version 4)
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