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GIA Publications, Inc - Summer & Fall 2024 Beckenhorst Press - Summer & Fall 2024 Evergreen Music - Summer & Fall 2024 Notebooks Mallets Digital Music

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

Review:      Charles C. Converse's original hymn tune is set here in a slow gospel feel for the solo ringer and keyboard. This tempo allows the soloist to express the melody better visually. Performance moves are written right into the score for easy access. Two passages require the use of a bell tree and add interest. Measures total 77.

Published by: National Handbell Music

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Converse, Charles C.
Lamb, Linda R.
Season: All Year
Less than a full handbell choir: Solo Ringer
Classification: Bell Tree , Instrument Part , Hymn Tune
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Instrument: Keyboard
Bells Used: Four Octaves: 21 Bells
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MNMHB613 Handbell Solo with Keyboard and Bell Tree.  
 $4.00  $3.60
LNMHB613 Digital Site License
Handbell Solo with Keyboard and Bell Tree.
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