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GIA Publications, Inc - Summer & Fall 2024 Beckenhorst Press - Summer & Fall 2024 Evergreen Music - Summer & Fall 2024 Notebooks Mallets Digital Music

Horsing Around

Review:      This piece was commissioned by Kipp Wilnauer for his 7th-8th grade school handbell choir. It is written in ABA form, with the second A section identical to the first A section to facilitate ease in learning. The ragtime style of the piece definately provides a study in syncopation for all of the ringers. Performance notes are included. Set in the key of F Major, measures total 73.

Published by: From the Top Music

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Wissinger, Kathleen
Classification: Church or Concert , Secular , Jazz , Concert , Original Composition
Technique: Mallet , Pl (Pluck) , RT (Ring Touch) , Martellato
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MFM20145 Alternate title Ragtime Praise  
 $4.25  $3.83
LFM20145 Digital Site License
Alternate title Ragtime Praise
$54.95 - -
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