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GIA Publications, Inc - Summer & Fall 2024 Beckenhorst Press - Summer & Fall 2024 Evergreen Music - Summer & Fall 2024 Notebooks Mallets Digital Music

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Review:      Lyrics from the chorus of this classic Christmas farewell are printed right into the score to allow ringers to sing-a-long if so desired. Two verses are sung between a delightful new theme by Wissinger. Scored in C Major, this piece is 65 measures.

Published by: Alfred Handbell /
Jubilate Music Group

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Traditional 16th Century Carol
Wissinger, Kathleen
3 or 5
Easy Medium
Season: Christmas
Classification: Concert , Secular , Church or Concert
Technique: Mallet , Echo , Martellato Lift , Martellato , Mallet Lift
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Bells Used: Three Octaves: 28 Bells; Five Octaves: 43 Bells
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