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Springs of Joy

Review:      The memorable melody of Springs of Joy consists of 8th note arpeggios, supported by waltz bass and intruiging harmonic shifts. The “B” section offers a new key, an equally-compelling melody in the bass, and thumb-damped chords in the treble. Reminiscent of a Chopin waltz, the open scoring of Springs of Joy will challenge your ringers to play the melody smoothly, and it is perfect as an uplifting moment in worship or a sprightly addition to concert or festival repertoire. A smaller ensemble (8 ringers on 3 oct. or 9 ringers on 5 oct.) might welcome the challenge of ringing “paired 8th notes” (a performance concept taught by both Kathleen Wissinger and Carlos J. Avila Báez at conferences); instructions for this method are included in the score. This light-hearted, original piece is dedicated to Carlos for his inspiration. 112 measures.

Published by: Choristers Guild

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Wissinger, Kathleen
Season: All Year
Classification: Church or Concert , Concert , Original Composition , Secular
Technique: Mallet , TD (Thumb Damp) , LV (Let Vibrate) , Martellato
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Bells Used: Three Octaves: 35 Bells; Four Octaves: 43 Bells; Five Octaves: 52 Bells; Six Octaves: 54 Bells
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MCGB935 3-6 Oct HB  
 $4.95  $4.46
DCGB935 Digital Direct
3-6 Oct HB
 $4.95  $4.46
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