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Choristers Guild - Fall 2024 CIR - Summer & Fall 2024 From the Top Music - Summer 2024 Digital Music Lights

King of Love

Review:      This reflection on the hymn tune ST. COLUMBA and the historic text based on the 23rd Psalm features climbing bass notes with flowing LV arpeggios. As we envision the verse “in death’s dark vale, I fear no ill,” the key changes to minor, emphasized by optional handchimes. An echo effect is introduced and provides an engaging serene assurance throughout. As the piece concludes we rejoice in the Good Shepherd who tenderly cares for his flock, calming our fears and saving us by grace. 88 measures. Keys of C Major and c minor.

Published by: Hope Publishing Co.

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Dennis, Karissa
Easy Medium
Season: Easter , All Saints/Souls Day , All Year
Classification: Church or Concert , Hymn Tune , Instrument Part
Technique: Echo , Sk (Shake) , LV (Let Vibrate)
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Instrument: Chimes(Choirchimes or Handchimes)
Bells Used: Three Octaves: 28 Bells; Four Octaves: 35 Bells; Five Octaves: 41 Bells
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MHP2741 3-5 Oct HB w/Opt 3-4 Oct HC  
 $6.25  $5.63
LHP2741 Digital Site License
3-5 Oct HB w/Opt 3-4 Oct HC
$37.50 - -
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