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40 Days in the Desert

Review:      Haunting and heroic at the same time, “40 Days in the Desert” captures struggle and victory within the same breath. Written in single pulse 3/4 time, the strong melodic lines are supported by even stronger chords in c minor, with shifts in harmonics to G Major that brighten the mood briefly: Perfect for Lent, Passion Week, or any meditative moment in worship. When using the subtitle “The Ghost of Success” for secular concert and festival, the audience might be reminded of an Anime theme, which is not surprising since the composer, William Peters, was in 7th grade when he wrote this piece. He asked his handbell teacher (Kath Wissinger) to look at it and see if it would work for bells. With some very minor editing, William’s score showcases a new creative talent in handbells and beyond. This is an excellent teaching piece with a focus on triple meter with a single pulse, dotted half notes, dotted-quarter/8th note patterns, natural and harmonic minor, and form (sections are noted throughout.) A Unison Exercise sheet teaching the new rhythms and bell change skills is included. Part of the “Class ring Series” from ringTrue Handbell Music which offers focused pedagogical music that is also performance worthy, and also of the “True Music Series” showcasing well-crafted music for church, concert and festival. 90 measures.

Published by: ringTrue

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 Part of the Series:
True Music
Peters, William
Easy Medium
Season: All Year
Classification: Church or Concert , Concert , Original Composition , Secular
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Bells Used: Three Octaves: 26 Bells; Four Octaves: 33 Bells; Five Octaves: 38 Bells
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MRE8315 3-5 Oct HB   $5.00 S  
LRE8315 Digital Site License
3-5 Oct HB
$34.95 - -
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