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GIA Publications, Inc - Summer & Fall 2024 Beckenhorst Press - Summer & Fall 2024 Evergreen Music - Summer & Fall 2024 Notebooks Mallets Digital Music

Aubrey's Waltz

Review:      This piece is the 4th movement from Luigi Boccherini's String Quintet in C major, entitled "Night Music of the Streets of Madrid". Despite being called Passa Calle, it is not a true 'passacaglia' in form but was so named to refer to people walking along the street, singing to amuse themselves. The accompaniment is malleted or plucked throughout and should be played lightly like a dance with slight emphasis on the first beat of each measure. The melody weaves in and out and the dynamics vary throughout. This a delightful arrangement that will be fun to ring and a toe-tapper for the audience! 102 measures in the key of G Major.

Published by: From the Top Music

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Boccherini, Luigi
Pfitzinger, Scott
Season: All Year
Classification: Classical Composers , Classical Music , Concert , Secular
Technique: Mallet , TD (Thumb Damp) , RT (Ring Touch)
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MFM20582 4-6 oct HB  
 $4.25  $3.83
LFM20582 Digital Site License
4-6 oct HB
$59.95 - -
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