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Ring Out! Press - Winter & Spring 2025 Notebooks Lights Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music

Solo Time 1


This inaugural release in the Solo Time series, with alternate titles “Better Days Ahead” or “My Heart Sings”, is a spritely, 3-part piece in 4/4 time with upbeat first and last sections and a more somber middle section. It features an easy 8 or 10 bell solo with options for many different ranges and piano accompaniment (played in person or using the Zip file accompaniment). Requiring only straight ringing, it is ideal for either handbells or hand chimes.

Each of three basic solo ringing skills are carefully introduced: Section "A" introduces table damping, "B" focuses on passing one hand to the other and "C" requires weaving (raising the difficulty level to easy-intermediate). Performance time is 2:30, but you can slow the tempo for performance if necessary, especially if using bigger bass bells.

Flexible enough to allow use of any octave range (8 or 10 bells from 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 octaves) either "C to C" or "G to G," "Solo Time 1" can also be played by various ringers at the same time by sharing only one common note or by tag-teaming with the same bells in a concert setting. Perfect for workshop or beginning solo classes; it allows all ringers to work at their own level, is carefully written to teach and strengthen skills, and can be used in secular or sacred settings simply by choosing the most appropriate title.

The Solo Time series is an engaging series offered by ringTrue targeting ringers who want to practice small pieces at home for their own enjoyment and self improvement, to record them for worship or concert needs, and even to play them in public!  Each piece also offers options to include additional ringers.

Solo Time pieces are REPRODUCIBLE by the original purchaser and are available as a digital download site license, allowing easy sharing within an ensemble or class. Ringing scores and piano accompaniment scores are available in hard copy as well; sound files for accompaniment options for rehearsal and performance are included as free downloadable Zip files from

Look for more innovative solo pieces by Kathleen Wissinger in the Solo Time series, as well as many other solo, duet, bell tree, 4iH and small ensemble pieces from ringTrue to accommodate your ringers (or you!) - "home alone" with a few bells or chimes! Of course, ringers can also use these pieces in a more normal rehearsal setting. Best wishes for happy, healthy ringing!

Published by: ringTrue

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 Part of the Series:
Solo Time
Wissinger, Kathleen
Season: All Year
Less than a full handbell choir: Ensemble
Classification: Church or Concert , Concert , Original Composition , Reproducible , Secular
Technique: No Special Technique, may go well with chimes
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Instrument: Handbells OR Chimes
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MRE6531ABR 1-5 oct HB or HC Solo for 8-10 Bells   $10.00 S  
LRE6531ABR Digital Site License
1-5 oct HB or HC Solo for 8-10 Bells
$10.95 - -
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