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GIA Publications, Inc - Summer & Fall 2024 Beckenhorst Press - Summer & Fall 2024 Evergreen Music - Summer & Fall 2024 Notebooks Mallets Digital Music

O Come All Ye Faithful

Review:      Kurt has given this quintessential favorite a fresh contemporary flavor and added optional clarinet for that extra texture. The piano accompaniment is flowing with a bit of gentle rhythm included and adds unexpected but subtle interest. Written in G, it includes a lovely segue to E-flat major, interesting and engaging harmonies, and many expressively lyrical lines. The clarinet and handbell solo interact melodically throughout and make this wonderful setting a 'must-have' for the moderately-accomplished handbell soloist.

Note: Price includes piano part, pullout solo part, and pullout clarinet part.

Published by: From the Top Music

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Hymn Tune
Meyer, Kurt
Season: Christmas
Less than a full handbell choir: Solo Ringer
Classification: Church or Concert , Concert , Hymn Tune , Instrument Part
Technique: Mallet , TD (Thumb Damp) , Gyro , Martellato Lift , Sk (Shake) , LV (Let Vibrate) , Mallet Lift , Damp Sign
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Instrument: Clarinet
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MFM1177 3 oct HB Solo with opt Bb clarinet  
 $7.95  $7.16
LFM1177 Digital Site License
3 oct HB Solo with opt Bb clarinet
$7.95 - -
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