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See Amid the Winter's Snow

Review:      Edward Caswell wrote the poem “See Amid the Winter’s Snow” in 1858, and Sir John Goss wrote this hymn tune in 1871, specifically for that carol. This is also known as “The Hymn for Christmas” and has been consistently used in worship and hymnals since its initial release, enjoying increased interest in more recent years. Brian has created a beautiful setting which features this lovely melody in both treble and bass clefs with the option for ‘auxiliary or alternate’ bells to ring brief segments of the melody. Accompaniment features LV lines and handchime chords, some with vib. The work begins peacefully and develops throughout with creative and expressive variations incorporating shakes, some gentle mallets and mart-lifts, as well as tempo nuances which ultimately lead to an elegant and dynamic ending. This is a wonderful work for use in worship and at concerts throughout the year.

Published by: From the Top Music

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Goss, Sir John
Childers, Brian
Season: Christmas , All Year
Classification: Church or Concert , Hymn Tune , Instrument Part
Technique: Echo , Martellato Lift , RT (Ring Touch) , Sk (Shake) , vib. (Vibrato) , LV (Let Vibrate) , Damp Sign
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Instrument: Chimes(Choirchimes or Handchimes)
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MFM20796 3-7 Oct HB with Opt 3-5 Oct HC and Opt Auxillary Bells  
 $4.95  $4.46
LFM20796 Digital Site License
3-7 Oct HB with Opt 3-5 Oct HC and Opt Auxillary Bells
$59.95 - -
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