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7 Lent and Easter Tunes for 12 Bells

Review:      All arrangements in this reproducible collection are set in the key of F major. Bells needed are F5, G5, A5, Bb5, C6, D6, E6, F6, G6, A6, Bb6, and C7 and there are NO bell changes required. Each arrangement is scored on two facing pages so the songs can be played with no mid-song page turns. All of the arrangements finish with a fermata, allowing time for ringers to turn to the next tune. This allows the option of playing all 7 tunes as a set; approximate performance time is 15 minutes.

Included titles and links to listen are listed below.

Published by: Bellissimo Publications

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This music is being licensed for use by the purchaser. You may use this file to print as many copies as are needed. It may also be used on digital devices controlled by the purchaser. You may not sell, transfer, rent, lease, redistribute or sub-license this product. Doing so will result in the revocation of the license.

The control numbers and other information contained in the file must appear on all printed and digital copies. Tampering with the file or changing the file information will result in the revocation of the license.

Titles are listed below
Childers, Brian
Easy Medium
Season: Easter , Lent
Less than a full handbell choir: Ensemble , Quartet , Quintet , Sextet , Trio
Classification: Collection , Hymn Tune , Reproducible , Titles using 12 Bells
Technique: TD (Thumb Damp) , Rolled Chord , Sk (Shake) , Sw (Swing) , vib. (Vibrato) , LV (Let Vibrate)
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Bells Used: Three Octaves: 12 Bells
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MBP20248 Reproducible Collection for 3 oct, 12-Bell Ens   $19.95 S  
LBP20248 Digital Site License
Reproducible Collection for 3 oct, 12-Bell Ens
$19.95 - -
Titles include:
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