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  Series Title: Reproducible Rings
(Hope Publishing)

Song Title Composer(s) Arranger(s) Octaves
  Reproducible Rings 1 (2-3 oct) Various Larson, Lloyd 2-3

Arranged with the volunteer handbell ringer in mind, these eight hymn settings by Lloyd Larson are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time.

  Reproducible Rings 1 (3-5 Oct) Various Larson, Lloyd 3-5
Review: Arranged with the volunteer handbell ringer in mind, these eight hymn settings by Lloyd Larson are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time. Engaging settings of familiar carols and hymn tunes guarantee broad appeal to both ringers and listeners.
  Reproducible Rings 2 (2-3 Oct) Various Larson, Lloyd 2-3
Review: Arranged with the volunteer handbell ringer in mind, these eight hymn settings by Lloyd Larson are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time. Titles included are, "Ah Holy Jesus, All Glory Laud and Honor, America the Beautiful, Fairest Lord Jesus, I Know that My Redeemer Lives, Spirit of God Descend upon my Heart, The Day of Resurrection, and What Wondrous Love is This."
  Reproducible Rings 2 (3-5 Oct) Various Larson, Lloyd 3-5
Review: Arranged with the volunteer handbell ringer in mind, these eight hymn settings by Lloyd Larson are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time. Engaging settings of familiar hymn tunes guarantee broad appeal to both ringers and listeners. Titles included are, "Ah Holy Jesus, All Glory Laud and Honor, America the Beautiful, Fairest Lord Jesus, I Know That My Redeemer Lives, Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart, The Day of Resurrection, and What Wondrous Love Is This."
  Reproducible Rings 3 (2-3 Oct) Various Larson, Lloyd 2-3
Review: Arranged with the volunteer handbell ringer in mind, these nine hymn settings by Lloyd Larson are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time. Engaging settings of familiar carols and hymn tunes guarantee broad appeal to both ringers and listeners. Titles include, "Come Thou Almighty King, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Let All Things Now Living, Long Ago Prophets Knew, Morning Has Broken, Now Thank We All Our God, On Christmas Night All Christians Sing, and Once in Royal David's City."
  Reproducible Rings 3 (3-5 Oct) Various Larson, Lloyd 3-5
Review: Arranged with the volunteer handbell ringer in mind, these nine hymn settings by Lloyd Larson are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time. Engaging settings of familiar carols and hymn tunes guarantee broad appeal to both ringers and listeners.
  Reproducible Rings 4 (2-3 Oct) Various Larson, Lloyd 2-3
Review: Arranged with the volunteer handbell ringer in mind, these nine hymn settings are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time. Engaging settings of familiar hymn tunes guarantee broad appeal to both ringers and listeners.
  Reproducible Rings 4 (3-5 Oct) Various Larson, Lloyd 3-5
Review: Lloyd Larson’s popular series of reproducible collections continues with these eight hymn arrangements, all of which are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time.
  Reproducible Rings 5 (2-3 Oct) Various Larson, Lloyd 2-3
Review: Arranged with the volunteer handbell ringer in mind, these nine hymn settings are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time. Engaging settings of familiar carols and hymn tunes guarantee broad appeal to both ringers and listeners.
  Reproducible Rings 5 (3-5 Oct) Various Larson, Lloyd 3-5
Review: Arranged with the developing ringer in mind, these eight hymn settings are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time. Included are engaging settings for Christmas, Easter, Communion and general worship. Contents: Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart; I Sing the Mighty Power of God; Break Thou the Bread of Life; Christ Is Alive!; Gentle Mary Laid Her Child; Hallelujah! What a Savior; My Jesus, I Love Thee; O God, Our Help in Ages Past