Series Title: Four Ringer Handbell Collections - James Kimball
Song Title |
Composer(s) |
Arranger(s) |
Octaves |
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 1 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible. Titles include: "O Perfect Love; Do Lord; Precious Lord; Daisy; Camptown Races" and others.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 10 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: Four ringers, eight bells. Contains selections from the Lutheran Hymnal.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 11 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: Only eight bells, four ringers and no tables or pads are needed to ring the selections in the handy-dandy, ring-'em-on-the-run collection of Christmas Carols. Four scores, one for each ringer, is included in this folio, so only one set is needed.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 12 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: Only eight bells, four ringers and no tables or pads are needed to ring the selections in the handy-dandy, ring-'em-on-the-run collection of Secular Tunes. Four scores, one for each ringer, is included in this folio, so only one set is needed.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 13 |
Various |
Kimball, J. D. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible.
Titles include: "Take Time to Be Holy", "Wonderful Words of Life", "Lord I Want to Be a Christian", "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart", "Jesus Loves Even Me", "Nothing But the Blood", "Lord Speak to Me", "Yield Not to Temptation", "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood", "Marching to Zion", "Sweet By and By" and "All Things Bright and Beautiful".
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 14 |
Various |
Kimball, J. D. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible. Titles include: "Where He Leads Me, Higher Ground, I Would be True, Jesus Saves, I Am Praying for You, Living for Jesus, Work for the Night is Coming, O Happy Day, Were You There, Lead Me to Calvary, I am Coming to the Cross" and "Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me" as well as a few additional titles.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 2 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible. Titles include: "O Worship the King; The Little Brown Church; Faith of Our Fathers; Skip To My Lou" and others.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 3 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible. Titles include: "Revive Us Again; All Hail the Power of Jesus Name; Praise Him! Praise Him!; Carry Me Back to Old Virginny" and others.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 4 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible. Titles include: "Silent Night; The Friendly Beasts; Infant Holy; Love Came Down at Christmas; We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and others.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 5 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible. Titles include: "More Love To Thee; To God Be The Glory; This is My Father's World; O Danny Boy" and others.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 6 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible. Titles include: "For the Beauty of the Earth; Hail to the Lord's Anointed; Come Christians, Join to Sing; Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" and others.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 7 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible. Titles include: "Sun of My Soul, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Alas and Did My Savior Bleed" and others.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 8 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible. Titles include: "How Firm a Foundation; I Am Thine, O Lord; In Christ There is No East or West; Promised Land" and others.
Four Ringer Handbell Collections Book 9 |
Various |
Kimball, J. |
2 |
Review: This collection contains enough parts of each title for 4 ringers using 8 bells to ring. No tables are needed; these would be excellent selections to ring in a retirement home or other place where tables might not be possible. Titles include: "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus; Good King Wenceslaus; Angels We Have Heard on High; Jingle Bells" and others.