Series Title: Best of Agape - Hope Publishing
Song Title |
Composer(s) |
Arranger(s) |
Octaves |
Best of Agape Vol 1 (2-3) |
Various |
Various |
2-3 |
Review: Here are eleven of our best-selling contemporary arrangements of recent years, all for 2-3 octave choirs. There are seven Level 2s, and one each for Level 2-, 2+, 3- and 3. Eleven great pieces for the cost of 3 makes this a real budget stretcher!
Best of Agape Vol 1 (3-5) |
Various |
Various |
3-5 |
Review: Arranged with the volunteer handbell ringer in mind, these nine hymn settings are quickly learned and ready to perform with limited preparation time. Engaging settings of familiar songs, from carols and hymn tunes to contemporary praise & worship favorites, guarantee broad appeal to both ringers and listeners.
Best of Agape Vol 2 (3-5) |
Various |
Various |
3-5 |
Review: This 60-page collection includes seven of our best-selling arrangements of recent years, all for 3—5 octaves, Level 3. These tried and proven winners come from a variety of composers and arrangers and represent a wide range of styles and are useful throughout the church year.
Best of Agape Vol 3 (3-5) |
Various |
Various |
3-5 |
Review: This collection includes nine top-selling settings of popular, contemporary hymns and songs, all for 3-5 octaves, Level 2. The arrangements come from a variety of composers and arrangers and offer a range of styles to enliven your worship.
Best of Agape Vol 4 (3-5 ) |
Various |
Various |
3-5 |
Review: This collection includes nine top-selling settings of popular, contemporary hymns and songs, all for 3-5 octaves, Level 3. The arrangements come from a variety of composers and arrangers and offer a range of styles to enliven your worship.
Best of Agape Vol 5 (3-5) |
Various |
Various |
3-5 |
Review: This collection includes eight top-selling settings of popular, contemporary hymns and songs, all for 3-5 octaves, Level 3. The arrangements come from a variety of composers and arrangers and offer a range of styles to enliven your worship.
Best of Agape Vol 6 (3-5) |
Various |
Various |
3-5 |
Review: This collection includes seven top-selling settings of popular, contemporary hymns and songs, all for 3-5 octaves, Levels 2+ to 3+. The arrangements come from a variety of composers and arrangers and offer a range of styles to enliven your worship.