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Crucible, The

"The Crucible" is a thrilling challenge from the pen of composer Caleb J. Onstead. Receiving an Honorable Mention in the 2023 David Davidson Composition Contest, this piece of music takes ringers to new heights. Written in two sections, the Prelude sees ringers encounter mixed meter and flurries of 16th notes, while a spirited Toccata makes up the rest of this work. This is a definite "must-have" title for the most advanced groups to enjoy!


Composer: Onstead, Caleb J.
Octaves: 5-8
Level: 6
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM20813 5-8 oct HB with opt 5-7 oct HC
 $6.25  $5.63


Argentinian composer Astor Piazzolla is most famous for his 'nuevo tango' style which incorporates elements of jazz with the traditional tango style. Many of his creations are written for small ensembles and often feature the bandoneon, violins, cello, guitar, and more.


Composer: Piazzolla, Astor
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Octaves: 5-6
Level: 3+
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM20854HB 5 (6) oct HB with 2 oct HC and opt accordion or synth
 $4.95  $4.46
MFM20854K Accordion or Synthesizer Score
 $2.95  $2.66
MFM20854M Full Score
 $4.95  $4.46

Come Ring Thanks

"Come, Ring Thanks!" by John A. Behnke is the perfect Thanksgiving medley for two octaves of handbells, combining the well-known hymns "Sing to the Lord of Harvest" and "Come, You Thankful People, Come".


Composer: Hymn Tunes
Arranger: Behnke, John A.
Octaves: 2
Level: 2
Publisher: JAB Publishing


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MJAB084 2 oct HB with opt keyboard
 $3.95  $3.56
MJAB085 Full Score and Keyboard Part
 $4.95  $4.46

Come Ring Thanks

"Come, Ring Thanks!" by John A. Behnke is a 3-5 octave Thanksgiving medley combining the two well-known hymns "Sing to the Lord of Harvest" and "Come, You Thankful People, Come".


Composer: Hymn Tunes
Arranger: Behnke, John A.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2
Publisher: JAB Publishing


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MJAB086 3-5 oct HB with opt 3 oct HC
 $3.95  $3.56

Ring with Joy Ceramic Ornament

The 2024 ceramic ornament is here! Features an adorable mouse and musical snowflakes. Design is printed on both sides; ribbon/gold cord not included.

Item # Detail Price Qty.
5889 Ring with Joy $8.95

Palm Sunday Processional

This spectacular Palm Sunday Processional with Introit is based upon ancient chants used in the church for centuries to celebrate Christ's triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. This processional combines voices and handbells in a unique way which allows all participants to process into the church on Palm Sunday.


Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Turner, Julie & Hall, Jefferey A.
Octaves: 2-5
Level: 1
Publisher: Christian Interdenominational Resources


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MCRHBV00011 2-5 oct HB with Choir and Congregation (reproducible)
 $45.00  $40.50


"Grace" is a fitting title as it has a lovely, lyrical and engaging melody that 'gracefully' flows in the piano accompaniment as well. It is rung throughout with a few echoes included. This is a wonderful and accessible work that will be a favorite in your quartet repertoire.


Composer: Stroobach, Erwin
Octaves: 3
Level: 3-
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM1188 3 oct HB Quartet with Piano (reproducible)
 $14.95  $13.46


Erwin has created another beautiful, original quartet for handbells and handchimes. The sweet, lyrical melody is reflected throughout the score and is rung in each of the bell voices as well as by handchimes.


Composer: Stroobach, Erwin
Octaves: 3
Level: 3
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM1190 3 oct HB Quartet with 3 oct HC, unaccompanied (reproducible)
 $11.95  $10.76

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

This creative and dynamic setting of the favorite hymn is for a handbell quartet and piano in equal importance, with the parts alternating between verses and refrains, ultimately joining together on the final refrain.


Composer: Runyan, William M.
Arranger: Mazzatenta, Michael
Octaves: 2
Level: 2+
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM1192 2 oct HB Quartet with Piano (reproducible)
 $11.95  $10.76

With just a few ... Meditation on Prelude No. 1

Welcome to another in the series entitled With Just A Few ... featuring this Bach favorite arranged by Martha Lynn Thompson for solo C instrument on the melody and two octaves of bells scored in the treble clef playing the accompaniment.


Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian
Arranger: Thompson, Martha Lynn
Octaves: 3
Level: 3+
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM1207 Solo C inst (flute, oboe, HC) with 3 oct HB accomp (reproducible)
 $16.95  $15.26

Take the A Train

Hart has worked his musical magic making this Billy Strayhorn hit into a fantastic setting for handbells that would impress Strayhorn himself! The creativity in placement of stopped sounds, featuring the melody in different voicings, judicious use of marts, mart-lifts, and shakes all combine to make this into a must-have title for your bronze group.


Composer: Strayhorn, Billy
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Octaves: 5
Level: 5
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM20629 5 oct HB
 $5.95  $5.36

Lord of the Dance

Daniel has created a faithful transcription for handbells and organ of Joel Raney's setting of the wonderful Sydney Carter hymn. The handbell score is mostly rung and includes nicely-placed LV, TD, mallets, mart, and mart-lifts.


Composer: Carter, Sydney and Raney, Joel
Arranger: Daniel-Hoste, Joseph D.
Octaves: 5 or 7
Level: 3+
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM20805HB 5 or 7 oct HB with 5 or 7 oct HC and organ
 $5.25  $4.73
MFM20805M Full Score and Organ
 $6.95  $6.26

Awake My Heart With Gladness

Caitlin Ristow has created a fabulous handbell setting of Johann Cruger’s hymn - AUF, AUF, MEIN HERZ. It opens with glorious LV handbell peals and features the melody in different ranges throughout. This would be a perfect work to open worship on Easter Sunday – or any celebratory occasion!


Composer: Cruger, Johann
Arranger: Ristow, Caitlin
Octaves: 5-6
Level: 3-
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM20830 5-6 oct HB
 $4.95  $4.46

Allegretto Festivo

This delightful, original music has an engaging melody and features a variety of bell techniques – perfect for youth and adults who are expanding their ringing skills.


Composer: Kerr, J. Wayne
Octaves: 3-4
Level: 2
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM20832 3-4 oct HB
 $4.25  $3.83

Arioso In D Minor

This original and melodic work is perfect for that calm moment in a concert or during worship. Written in d-minor, it is mostly rung but features several echoes, a few gentle mart-lifts, and LV passages.


Composer: Kerr, J. Wayne
Octaves: 3-4
Level: 2
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM20833 3-4 oct HB
 $4.25  $3.83

Cabaret Carnival

Kurt describes this work as "cabaret rhythm meets Joplin rag" and it is thoroughly engaging, clever, delightful, and beautifully crafted. It has many stopped sounds including table mallet, mart, mart-lift, and RT, all of which should be executed cleanly and without too much force so the music just dances along – somewhat like a child happily skipping through the carnival that came to town.


Composer: Meyer, Kurt
Octaves: 5-7
Level: 4+
Publisher: From the Top Music


Item # Detail Price Qty.
MFM20834 5-7 oct HB with 5 oct HC
 $6.25  $5.63

<< < 25971 - 25990 of 26020 records > >>