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Square One Suite

Review:      The capstone 3-piece suite featured at the end of the Square One method book is also available in this separate folio for concert, worship or festival use. Almost all techniques and theory covered in Square One lessons are included in one of these three engaging pieces. 1. Be Bold! (Faith) (2-3 oct.) features martellato, gyro, thumb damps in 4/4 time and D major with a taste of mixolydian mode and a bold chordal theme. 2. Wishful Thinking (Hope) (2 score choices – one for 2 oct. and one for 3 oct.) is a reflective piece in A minor and triple meter (3/4) featuring echoes, waltz bass and a plaintive single-note melody line in treble and then bass. 3. Positive Vibes (Joy) (2-3 oct.), set in 4/4 time and Db major, uses vibrato (of course!), harmonic seconds and a simple syncopation (quarter, half, quarter notes) pattern throughout. Marts, mart lift and shakes are used in appropriate style – and a reprise of Part A features mallets on tabled bells. Appropriate for classroom, concert, worship and Level 1 (Tins) Festivals (use any or all of the pieces), Square One Suite can also serve to explore and teach a number of techniques and ringing skills in a controlled Level 1 format in workshop, conference and class. A sample assessment page from Square One method (Section “L”) is also included – covering triple meter and waltz bass patterns (this one page is reproducible).

Published by: ringTrue

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 Part of the Series:
Class ring

Titles are listed below
Wissinger, Kathleen
Season: All Year
Classification: Church or Concert , Collection , Concert , Secular
Technique: Mallet , TD (Thumb Damp) , Echo , Gyro , Martellato Lift , RT (Ring Touch) , Sk (Shake) , vib. (Vibrato) , LV (Let Vibrate) , Martellato , Mallet Click
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MRE3015 2-3 Oct HB   $6.00 S  
LRE3015 Digital Site License
2-3 Oct HB
$39.95 - -
Titles include:
  • Be Bold (Faith)
  • Wishful Thinking (Hope)
  • Positive Vibes (Joy)
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