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Failing Light


This simple introspective L1 piece for 3 or 5 octaves is the culmination of a 5-month class composition project at Redeemer Classical School where Kath Wissinger teaches. Step-by-step, the rhythm, melody, chords and structure of the piece were created, studied, performed, revised and voted on many times. All ringers are actively involved throughout the piece, and the melody passes between bass and treble clef. With its haunting theme and variations,“Failing Light” is perfect for worship, concert, school, or even a beginning ringer festival. Many items for music theory study are featured: theme and variations, stem-direction voiced parts, dynamics in voices, cross-staff voice-leading lines, motifs and sequencing, canon, simple syncopation, diminished and augmented rhythms, embellished melody lines, minor mode and more. Ringing techniques (all optional – for chime groups) include singing bell, echo and martellato in appropriate ranges. Ideal for Lent or any time when a somber, reflective piece is needed. Apply the sub-title “The Forgotten Element” or any other appropriate title (A Man of Sorrow, Sojourn, Meditation, etc.) A fully illustrated description of the composition process is included so you can try a composition project with your own ringers! Take hope in the creative minds of this new generation of young ringers who love to ring. At the students’ request, 10% of the proceeds from this piece will go towards the music program at RCS. To see more pedagogically-focused pieces, check the “Class ring” series from ringTrue at (Music Search Assistant, “Series” at the bottom of the page), featuring music worthy of both classroom teaching time (and productive rehearsals!) and performance. 55 measures.

Published by: ringTrue

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 Part of the Series:
Class ring
Wissinger, Kathleen
3 or 5
Season: All Year
Classification: Church or Concert , Concert , Original Composition , Secular
Technique: Echo , Martellato , SB (Singing Bell or Bowl)
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Bells Used: Three Octaves: 22 Bells; Five Octaves: 36 Bells
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MRE3020 3 or 5 Oct HB   $5.00 S  
LRE3020 Digital Site License
3 or 5 Oct HB
$34.95 - -
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