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Lemon Chimes (Cascades of Joy)

Review:      This cheery original piece for bells or chimes sparkles with augmented syncopation and a jaunty melody in both bass and treble clefs - scored for both 2 oct. (A) and 3 oct. (B) choirs in two separate, non-compatible scores to more perfectly fit your range (no parentheses or omitted notes!). Martellato is optional (for chimes) and dynamics provide an echo pattern and showcase the melody. Melody notes within chords are highlighted by note name, and a Let Vibrate cascading peal creates a grand ending. Other techniques include echo, shake and vibrato. Syncopation uses “quarter-half note-quarter” and “quarter-dotted half note” patterns. All ringers are thoroughly involved throughout without the piece seeming heavily chorded, since the melody covers a wide range. Perfect for classroom, concert, worship and beginner festival – this simple but well-crafted piece will send your audience home humming its catchy tune. Written by Kath’s 6th grade handbell class during Spring of 2022, their subtitle was “A Guy in a Hole” which caused much laughter when announcing the piece. Feel free to use that, too! (The main theme is similar to “Ghost and Shadow,” another class’ composition project.) Part of the Class ring Series from ringTrue, which offers carefully crafted pieces that combine solid pedagogy for the classroom and performance-worthy music for concert: Win-Win!! Additional supplemental pieces Level 1 and 1+ include: Ionian Columns, Salamander Tales/Gecko Antics, Dorian Epic, Covenant, Failing Light, Hornpipe and Dance, Ode to Joy, Written on a Postcard, Providence, Ghost and Shadow and Bronze Fanfare. Find all current Class ring pieces at using the Music Selection Assistant page, scrolling to the bottom for “series.” Like all ringTrue music, scores are available in hard copy or as a digital download.

Published by: ringTrue

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 Part of the Series:
Class ring
Wissinger, Kathleen
Season: All Year
Classification: Arranged more than once, same key , Church or Concert , Concert , Instrument Part , Original Composition , Secular
Technique: Echo , Sk (Shake) , vib. (Vibrato) , LV (Let Vibrate) , Martellato
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Instrument: Handbells OR Chimes
Bells Used: Two Octaves: 20 Bells; Three Octaves: 22 Bells
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MRE3035AB 2-3 Oct HB or HC   $4.00 S  
LRE3035AB Digital Site License
2-3 Oct HB or HC
$30.95 - -
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