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Ring Out! Press - Winter & Spring 2025 Notebooks Lights Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music

Ring By Color Starter Kit

New to color coded instruments? An 8-note set of bells is a good place to start.

Included in the starter kit are:

  • 8 KidsPlay® handbells (# 4080)

  • a carrying case (# 4086)

  • Ring By Color volume 1 for 8 note bell sets (# MRCK0801)

  • a pack of 24 Achievement Certificates for colored bells (# 5297)

The 8 bells are C/1, D/2, E/3, F/4, G/5, A/6, B/7, & C/8 (the numbers after each letter allow these bell sets to be used to play music that is numerically coded – for example, the notes to the phrase “Mary had a little lamb” can be written using letter names as follows: E D C D E E E or by using numbers: 3 2 1 2 3 3 3).

The carrying case makes storing and transporting the bells a breeze.

The books in the Ring By Color series use letter names and the corresponding bell colors to teach basic music reading skills within the context of familiar songs. The songs contained in volume 1 are: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”, “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, “Old McDonald Had a Farm”, “This Old Man”, and “Bingo”. Leader guides are provided for each song as well as suggestions for class use to help get a group started. All parts of the book are reproducible; access to a color copier is needed to fully utilize the contents.

Multiple bell sets may be used for larger groups or to allow for more playing options for large or small groups.

Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
4040 Ring By Color Starter Kit   - includes bells, case, music book & package of certificates $90.00 S