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12 Bells Around the World

Various, arr. Eithun, Sandra & Waldrop, Tammy, Lorenz Corp.

This collection of carols from various countries and traditions is perfect for those times during the Christmas season when you have limited ringers. Suggested assignments are included for ensembles of a variety of sizes.

Titles include: "Cold December Flies Away"; "Curoo, Curoo", "He Is Born"; "I Wonder as I Wander"; "O Tannenbaum"; "On This Day Earth Shall Ring"; "Still, Still, Still"; and "Twas in the Moon of Wintertime".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201725L 3 oct HB or HC Ensemble, unaccompanied $44.95  

Alleluia What Wondrous Love

Various, arr. Wagner, Douglas E., Lorenz Corp.

The intense drama, pageantry, and ultimate triumph experienced by our Lord during His last days on earth are vividly portrayed in these eight easy and familiar hymn-tune settings.
Titles include: "What Wondrous Love Is This"; "Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days"; "Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley"; "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross"; "Ride On, Ride On, in Majesty"; "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones"; "Good Christians Friends, Rejoice and Sing!"; and "Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201548L Reproducible 3 oct HB Collection $44.95  

All Nature Rings

Various, arr. Eithun, Sandra & Waldrop, Tammy, Lorenz Corp.

Sandra Eithun and Tammy Waldrop teamed up again to create another outstanding collection of hymn-tune arrangements for three to six ringers.

Titles include: "Let All Things Now Living", "This Is My Father's World", "For the Beauty of the Earth", "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands", "Shall We Gather at the River", " I've Got Peace Like a River", "There Is a Fountain", and "All Night, All Day".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201883L 3 oct HB or HC Ensemble, unaccompanied $44.95  

And All the Bells on Earth Shall Ring

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

Eight traditional carols are found in this collection of easy arrangements. Titles include, "O Come All Ye Faithful", "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear", "Ding Dong Merrily on High", "O Little Town of Bethlehem", "The First Nowell", "Away in a Manger", "God Rest You Merry Gentlemen", and "Joy to the World".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201629L Reproducible 2 to 3 Octave Collection of Carol Settings for Handbells or Handchimes $44.95  

Carols for the Christ Child

Various, arr. Lamb, Linda , Lorenz Corp.

Linda Lamb shares her phenomenal arrangements of Christmas carols from around the world in this outstanding handbell collection. Titles included are: "Bring a Torch Jeannette Isabella", "Christmas Dreams", "The Holly and the Ivy", "Rocking Carol", "Carol of the Bagpipers", "In Stable Rude", and "March of the Kings".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201825L Reproducible 2-3 oct HB w opt 2-3 oct HC $44.95  

Carols We Love to Ring

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

The treasured carols that we can’t wait to hear, sing, and play each December are among the essential elements of our Christmas worship and celebrations. Titles include, "Joy to the World", "In the Bleak Midwinter", "O Come All Ye Faithful", "Silent Night", "Sing We Now of Christmas", "What Child is This", "Away in a Manger", and "Angels from the Realms of Glory".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201540L Reproducible 3-5 oct HB or HC $44.95  

Christmas Carol Celebrations

Various, arr. Schram, Ruth Elaine, Lorenz Corp.

Celebrate the season by combining your musical resources with this versatile collection of ten of the most popular Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany hymns. Titles include: "O Come O Come Emmanuel, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, The First Nowell, O Come All Ye Faithful, Angels We Have Heard on High, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Joy to the World, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Silent Night, and We Three Kings."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201479L Full Score (HB & Keyboard) $19.95  
MLC302448L 2-3 oct HB Part - Reproducible $29.95  
MLC302449L 4-5 oct HB Part - Reproducible $34.95  

Christmas Carols for 3 to 6 Ringers

Various, arr. Eithun, Sandra, Lorenz Corp.

This reproducible collection of classic carol settings utilizes flexible bell assignments to allow for a wide variety of performance options.

Titles include: "Angels We Have Heard on High", "Away in a Manger", "Gentle Mary Laid Her Child", "He Is Born", "The Holly and the Ivy", and "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201621L 2 or 3 oct HB with opt Keyboard $44.95  

Cross the Grave the Skies

Various, arr. Behnke, John A., Lorenz Corp.

The wide range of emotions experienced during the journey from Lent through Easter is exquisitely reflected in these six artistically crafted hymn-based works. Titles include: "In the Cross of Christ I Glory"; "O Dearest Jesus"; "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded"; "Were You There"; "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee"; and "Hail Thee, Festival Day".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201611L Reproducible 3-5 oct HB Collection with opt 3-4 oct HC $54.95  

Easter and Beyond

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

In this reproducible collection compiled by Michael Helman, you will find a wealth of hymn-tune settings by some of today's most outstanding handbell arrangers providing options for your handbell choir in the festive weeks between Easter and Trinity Sunday. Titles include: This Joyful Eastertide; Celebration on "Lancashire"; "Crown Him Lord"; Come, O Spirit, Dwell Among Us"; "Come Down, O Love Divine"; "Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart"; "Holy God, We Praise Your Name"; Variations on "Holy Manna".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201885L Reproducible 3-5 oct HB Collection with opt 2-5 oct HC $54.95  

Fill Your Year With Ringing

Various, arr. Morris, Hart, Lorenz Corp.

Hart Morris crafted an outstanding collection of hymn-tune arrangements to keep you ringing all year long!  This reproducible collection will become a staple of your handbell repertoire.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201910L Reproducible 3-5 Oct HB w/Opt HC & Solo Instr $54.95  

From the Cross to Resurrection

Various, arr. Page, Anna Laura, Lorenz Corp.

Master composer Anna Laura Page brings us this outstanding collection of handbell arrangements for the Lenten and Easter seasons, including selections that are especially appropriate for Palm Sunday and Holy Week.

Hymn titles are: "In the Cross of Christ I Glory"; "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"; "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna"; "Go to Dark Gethsemane"; "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" (LLANFAIR); "We Welcome Glad Easter"; and "Rejoice, the Lord is King".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201741L Reproducible 3-5 oct HB Collection with opt 2-5 oct HC $44.95  
MLC201742L Reproducible 2-3 oct HB Collection with opt 2-3 oct HC $54.95  

From the Cross to the Crown

Various, arr. Larson, Lloyd, Lorenz Corp.

The final days of Christ's earthly journey are captured in the eight stunning hymn tune settings included in this volume. Each carefully scored arrangement is based on a treasured melody associated with a classic text embraced by God's faithful around the world.

Titles include: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"; "Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley"; "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded"; "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna"; "Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise" (LLANFAIR); "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" (EASTER HYMN); "Crown Him with Many Crowns"; and "Spirit of God Descend upon My Heart".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201472L Reproducible 2-3 oct HB Collection $54.95  

Hymns for the Church Year

Various, arr. Helman, Michael, Lorenz Corp.

With five of the hymn-based works found in this volume chosen specifically to highlight the major seasons of the church year and an additional general-use setting, this collection offers a full year of music for your ensemble. Titles include, "People Look East, Christmas Night, The Wondrous Cross, Palm Sunday Procession, Variations on 'The Strife is O'er', and O Worship the King."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201488L Reproducible $54.95  

Hymns for Three to Six Ringers

Various, arr. Eithun, Sandra, Lorenz Corp.

Following on the heels of her best-selling book Christmas Carols for Three to Six Ringers (LC201621L), Lorenz is proud to present Sandy Eithun’s collection of general-use hymn tunes for handbells and optional keyboard.

Titles included are: "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"; "I Surrender All"; "How Firm a Foundation"; "Be Thou My Vision"; "Be Still My Soul"; and "Balm in Gilead".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201702L 2 or 3 oct HB with opt Keyboard $44.95  

Hymns for Worship and Celebration

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

Comprised of all hymn-based titles, this useful and versatile collection provides all of the musical offerings that an ensemble would require for a complete church year's ministry. Hymns included are, "Rejoice, Rejoice, Emmanuel!"; "Christmas Bell Tidings"; "I Am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger"; "Our King and Blessed One"; "Prelude on 'Passion Chorale'"; "Fanfare on 'Easter Hymn'"; "Give Me Jesus"; and "Festival Day".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201536L Reproducible 3-5 oct HB Collection $54.95  

Hymns of Love and Praise

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

Drawing from the collective talents of seven gifted writers, this collection includes eight creative settings of a few of the church's most enduring hymn tunes. Titles include, "Be Thou My Vision, Holy Holy Holy, O Father by Whose Name, Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken, Stand Up and Bless the Lord, O Worship the King, Jerusalem the Golden, and Let the Heavens Ring."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201517L Reproducible $44.95  

Hymns We Love to Ring

Various, arr. Eithun, Sandra, Lorenz Corp.

This reproducible collection will become an indispensable part of your handbell library. Sandra Eithun created outstanding arrangements of timeless hymn tunes that range from upbeat and triumphant to tranquil and meditative, and are appropriate for worship services throughout the church year.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201992L Reproducible 3-6 Oct HB with Opt HC $54.95  

I Heard the Bells of Christmas

Various, arr. McChesney, Kevin, Lorenz Corp.

Handbell directors will be able to fill all of their Christmas needs with this reproducible collection featuring Kevin McChesney’s masterful writing. Titles include, "A Yuletide Celebration, Carol of the Bells, I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, I Saw 3 Ships, In the Bleak Midwinter, Let All Mortal Flesh, Now is Born the Divine Christ Child, and We Three Kings."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201726L Reproducible 3-5 Oct HB $54.95  

In Glad Adoration

Various, arr. Page, Anna Laura, Lorenz Corp.

From the embracing strains of "Children of the Heavenly Father" to the energetic praise conveyed in "How Firm a Foundation," these highly usable and solidly scored selections feature a variety of moods and styles for every worship situation.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201563L Reproducible $54.95  

Journey to Bethlehem

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

This indispensable collection includes medleys of your favorite carols from today’s most outstanding handbell arrangers, meeting all of your ringing needs for the Christmas season! The medleys cover all of the Christmas story themes, and many of the arrangements incorporate optional handchimes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201912L Reproducible 3-5 oct HB with opt HC & Perc $54.95  

Lent and Easter for Three to Six Ringers

Various, arr. Eithun, Sandra, Lorenz Corp.

Following the success of her first two Three to Six Ringers collections, Sandra Eithun presents this stunning collection of hymn tunes perfectly suited for the Lent and Easter seasons.

Titles include: "Jesus Walked this Lonesome Valley"; "There is a Fountain"; "Jesus Paid It All"; "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna"; "Christ Arose"; and "Christ the Lord is Risen Today".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201749L Reproducible 2-3 oct HB Ensemble Collection with opt Keyboard $44.95  

Let Our Carols Fill the Sky

Various, arr. Helman, Michael, Lorenz Corp.

From the songs of angels that announced the blessed birth to the lullabies of shepherds sung around the manger, music was and continues to be a vital part of the Christmas story. Titles include: "On This Day Earth Shall Ring", "Birthday of a King", "Shepherds' Jubilee", "Christmas Pastorale", "Gesu Bambino", and "Away in a Manger".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201588L Reproducible 3-5 oct HB or HC $44.95  

More Hymns for Three to Six Ringers

Various, arr. Eithun, Sandra, Lorenz Corp.

Flawlessly crafted for small ensembles, this brilliant collection contains pieces that are suited for use throughout the year.

Titles include: "All Things Bright and Beautiful", "In the Morning When I Rise", "To God Be the Glory", "Gentle Praises", "Faith of Our Fathers", and "Let Us Break Bread Together".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201951L 2 or 3 oct HB with opt Keyboard $44.95  

Our Welsh Heritage

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

Share in the great wealth of Welsh hymn tunes! This indispensable volume offers reproducible arrangements of beloved Welsh tunes set by some of today's most outstanding handbell composers. Eight familiar tunes are included; click the title to see listing.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201963L 3-6 oct HB with opt 2-6 oct HC $54.95  

Prayers and Meditations

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

Some of the handbell world’s best-known composers have contributed to this collection of hymn-tune settings for those quiet, meditative times in your worship and communion services. Titles included are: "Softly and Tenderly, Shepherd and Friend, Just As I Am, I Surrender All, Lord I Want to Be a Christian, and Meditation on Aurelia."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201710L 3, 4 or 5 Octave Reproducible Handbells with Optional Handchimes. $54.95  

Ring Around the World

Various, arr. Wagner, Douglas E., Lorenz Corp.

Settings of eight tunes drawn from world music sources are brought together in this eclectic collection for school or community ensembles. Tunes include "Kum Ba Ya, Shenandoah, Sakura, Zum Gali Gali, O Waly Waly, Arrirang, De Colores," and "Londonderry Air."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201451L Reproducible $54.95  

Ring Around the World 2

Various, arr. Wagner, Douglas E., Lorenz Corp.

In answer to our many requests for easy secular titles, written primarily with handchimes in mind, we are pleased to offer this second volume of approachable and musically satisfying arrangements of folk tunes from around the globe. School, community, and church ensembles alike will find solid program material here, as well as music also well suited for performance with handbells.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201465L Reproducible $44.95  

Ring for Joy Volume 1

Various, arr. Wagner, Douglas E., Lorenz Corp.

As a sequel to our highly successful Christmas collection, "Ring in the Season! "(20/1530L), we're pleased to bring you this similarly designed book of general-use titles that are appropriate for worship programming throughout the church year. Titles included are: "Praise the Lord!, Perfect Peace, Ring Joyous with the Sound!, One Lord One Faith One Birth, Let Praises Fill the Sky, On Wings of Love and Prayer, and God's Great Name We Praise." All of the titles are medleys of familiar hymns.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201585L Reproducible Collection for 2 to 3 Octave Handbells or Handchimes. $44.95  

Ring for Joy Volume 2

Various, arr. Wagner, Douglas E., Lorenz Corp.

The need for easily learned 2-3 octave settings of familiar hymn tunes remains strong, as seen in the positive reception of "Ring for Joy!" (20/1585L). This second collection of fifteen hymn tunes arranged in seven musically inspired, theme-based settings, presents highly useful material for worship that should take a minimum of rehearsal time to prepare.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201595L Reproducible Collection for 2 to 3 Octave Handbells or Handchimes. $44.95  

Ring for Joy Volume 3

Various, arr. Wagner, Douglas and Helman, Michael, Lorenz Corp.

Lorenz continues to offer quality level-one arrangements for two- and three-octave handbell and handchime ensembles in this latest volume of "Ring for Joy!" Titles in this version include, "God of Grace We Sing Your Praise, The Peace of Christ, In Strength and Service, Walk with the Lord, Breathe on Us Spirit of God, Come to the Table, and With Thanks and Praise."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201655L Reproducible Collection for 2 to 3 Octave Hymn Medleys for Prayer and Rejoicing. $44.95  

Ringing the Church Year

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

Lorenz is proud to offer this outstanding collection of three-to-five-octave arrangements for the whole church year by some of the handbell world's best composers. Titles include, "Come O Come Emmanuel, Christ is Born!, O Morning Star How Fair and Bright, Lenten Reflection, Hymn of Victory, Shepherd's Peace, and Christ the King."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201671L Reproducible Collection for 3, 4 or 5 Octave Handbells with Optional Handchimes. $54.95  

Ring In the Season

Various, arr. Wagner, Douglas E., Lorenz Corp.

Fourteen popular carol tunes are presented in seven creative medleys, designed to cheer and inspire congregations and concert audiences. Titles include: "In Solemn Stillness", "O Come One and All", "When Christ Our Lord Was Born", "Star of Wonder Star of Light", "Great Our Joy", and "Jingle All the Way".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201530L Reproducible 2-3 oct HB or HC $44.95  

Ring Out for Fall

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

This outstanding collection offers spectacular seasonal selections that teach many handbell techniques, including LV, martellato, martellato lifts, shakes, and echo, as well as instructions for handchime choir adaptation. Titles included are: "Abundant Praise, The Gospel Feast, Worship and Praise Our Lord and King, For the Beauty of the Earth, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Christmas Meditation, and Angels from the Realms of Glory."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201824L Reproducible 2-3 Oct HB or HC $44.95  

Ring Out for Spring

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

This collection offers approachable level-one music from some of today's finest composers and arrangers. The titles are an eclectic mix of hymn-based pieces and original compositions, including "Triumph and Praise"; "The Savior’s Cross"; "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded"; "Christ Is Alive! Alleluia!"; "Crown Him with Many Crowns"; "Holy, Holy, Holy"; "The Greatest of These Is Love"; and "Siyahumba".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201860L Reproducible 2-3 oct HB Collection $44.95  

Through Darkness to Light

Various, arr. McChesney, Kevin, Lorenz Corp.

This varied collection is the answer to all of your ensemble's musical needs for the time from Lent to Pentecost.

Titles include "What Wondrous Love Is This"; "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded"; "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" (HAMBURG); "The King of Glory"; "He Is Risen" (a medley); "Crown Him Lord of All!"; and "Spirit of God".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201514L Reproducible 3-5 oct HB Collection $54.95  

Tidings Ringing

Various, arr. Various, Lorenz Corp.

Seven established writers have combined their talents to offer nine selections that will heighten the emotion and mood of your Christmas worship services and December concert presentations. Songs found in this collection include, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Ding Dong Merrily on High, Silent Night, Away in a Manger, Carol of the Bells, Lo How a Rose is Blooming, Infant Holy, O Come All Ye Faithful, O Come O Come Emmanuel, Twas in the Moon of Wintertime, In the Bleak Midwinter, and It Came Upon a Midnight Clear." Many of these titles appear in medleys.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLC201583L Reproducible $54.95