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American Heritage

Various, arr. Dare, Carol, Dare Team Press

Two patriotic favorites, "America, the Beautiful" and "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", make up this Level 2 collection for five ringers (B4 – D6).

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1073 2 Octave Handbells or Handchimes for 5 Ringers. $4.50  

Angelic Chorus

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Whole, half and quarter notes that use the same easy patterns for all ringers help establish a feel for rhythmic relationships.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT5002 Everyone Can Ring Series (Score + 11 Parts) $24.00  

Angelic Echoes

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

"Angelic Echoes" is a fun, energetic 48-measure piece that is great for beginning ringers.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1014 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.25  

At Christmas Time

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"At Christmas Time", a Level 2 medley of carols, is scored for 5, 6, 7, or 8 ringers. Carols include, "Angels From the Realms of Glory, Away in a Manger, and Good Christian Men Rejoice."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1043 $3.95  

Awesome Presence

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Awesome Presence, a collection of three pieces for four ringers, is scored for D5 – D6.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1034 $4.75  

Ballad of Somerset Vale

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Chimes add a nice flavor to this 2-3 octave composition in g minor with its melody in the middle bells. Bell changes for all F's make it a level 1+; F5 has one very quick bell change. Suggestions are provided for ringing with 8, 9, 10 or 11 ringers.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1020 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.95  

Bavarian Chimes and More

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Here is a Level 1 collection for a flexible number of ringers. Scored for 3, 4, 5, or 6 ringers using a 2-octave instrument, these three pieces would be useful when the number of ringers fluctuates.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1059 Handbells or Handchimes for 3, 4, 5 or 6 Ringers. $4.75  

Beat Five

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Beat Five is a rondo in 5/4 meter for five ringers (D5–F6). The 5/4 pattern falls into a 3 + 2 grouping throughout this original composition. The cheerful mood coupled with an uncommon meter should make "Beat Five" an interesting piece for both ringers and listeners.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT2008 2 Oct HB Ensemble $3.75  

Beauty Around Us

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

The titles of the individual pieces in this Level 1 collection for 5 ringers evoke pictures of several beauties in our natural surroundings.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1063 Collection for Five Ringers $4.75  

Bells Across the Prairie

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Dedicated for handchime ringers and their new chimes, this piece is set in A Major and includes a page turn. The treble clef music of this flexible score will stand alone with only 6 ringers using only bells or chimes; a 7th ringer can add B4-C5.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1007 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.95  

Birchwood Pastorale

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

The Level 1+ melody is suitable for bells or chimes. The rhythms are easy and the few bell changes are not difficult. Although it is suitable for any season, it might be especially fitting for spring.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1096 3 Oct for 6 Ringers $3.75  

Bright Morning

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Playable by 8,9, or 10 ringers of bells or chimes, this original composition is scored in large, easy-to-read notes. The tempo is quick (quarter = 120) and sets the "bright" tone. The melody is in upper and lower registers and provides variety for the ringers.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1009 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.95  

Building Basic Skills

Dare, Carol, Dare Team Press

Now there is a beginning book for 2 octaves that introduces the same ringing and reading skills as UP AND RINGING! - Carol Dare's earlier method book for 3 octaves. The two books are not compatible because the drills and performance pieces in BUILDING BASIC SKILLS have been rescored to sound good with 2 octaves.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT3009 Director's Manual $27.00  
MDT3010 Ringers Book - A sequential approach to ringing handbells or handchimes. $8.95  

Celebration Chimes

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

"Celebration Chimes" is an ideal first piece because it enables a beginning group to sound impressive. Quarter notes and whole notes help establish a good ringing stroke. Full chords give new ringers confidence.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT5001 Everyone Can Ring Series (Score + 11 Parts) $12.00  

Changing Moods

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

There are no bell changes in this Level 1 collection for 3 ringers (F5–D6). Although all four titles use easy rhythms, each one starts with a pickup note.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1095 2 Oct for 3 Ringers $4.50  


Dare, John , Dare Team Press

"Cheers" introduces a 3-ringer ensemble (F5–D6) to the most common patterns in 6/8 meter. Four short exercises on the back page provide drills on each pattern by itself and in combination with the other patterns.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT2001 2 Oct HB $3.75  

Chiming Brightly

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Very nice on chimes and also suitable for handbells, "Chiming Brightly" can be use for Christmas Eve or in general. A quarter note melody moves against an accompaniment of half notes in this level 1 composition for 2 octaves; the melodic theme occurs in different ranges. There is one easy bell change for F6. This 69 measure piece is set in C Major.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1017 2 oct HB or HC $3.95  

Christmas and Beyond

Various, arr. Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

As the title suggests, this collection for 6 ringers (using bells B4–F6) features Christmas titles with suggestions for non-seasonal titles.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1061 2 oct HB or HC $4.75  

Clock Music

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Either piece in "Clock Music" would provide an interesting change of pace for both ringers and audience. "The Clock Song" is delightfully descriptive. "Minutes Passing" conveys the steady ticking of a clock.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1055 A collection for 6 ringers (D5-A6) $3.95  


Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This composition is suitable for handbells or handchimes but the composer prefers handchimes. Although "Clouds" is designated L3- due to its 6/4 meter, there are no bell changes or difficult rhythms.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT4004 2 Oct HB or HC $3.75  

Coming, The

Various, arr. Dare, Carol & John, Dare Team Press

A collection of Christmas carols for 6 ringers using 3 octaves of handbells or handchimes, this Level 2 arrangement includes a medley for Advent plus two additional carols. Titles include, "Infant Holy Infant Lowly, Go Tell It on the Mountain, and an Advent medley which includes the titles "Watchmen Tell Us of the Night, O Come O Come Emmanuel, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, and He Is Born."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1051 $4.75  

Crusader's Hymn

Silesian Folk Melody, arr. Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Playable by 7, 8, 9, or 10 ringers of bells or chimes, this is a simple setting of the Silesian folk melody. "Tall chords" all the way through ensure that all ringers stay involved. Variations in dynamics add challenge. The melody is in the midrange.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1015 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.95  

Dark Forests of the North

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

The melody, supported by a chordal accompaniment, moves around to each octave. The e minor key imparts a mysterious quality that is enhanced by using hand chimes. Playing it on handbells using mallets, marts, and thumb damps suggests a variety of forest sounds.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1018 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.50  

David's Harp

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

The Level 1 melody on bells (D6–G6) stands out over an accompaniment of eighth note arpeggios on chimes. Although this composition can be performed with only one tone color, it is more effective with both bells and chimes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1094 2 Oct HB or HC $3.75  

Dawn of a New Day

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Here is a collection of four original songs for six ringers using standard ringing positions (D5 to A6). With titles suitable for church or school these pieces can be used individually or programmed as a short suite. Titles include: "Greet the Dawning, Morning Bells, Rejoice!" and "Reflections." Levels range from 1 to 2.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1023 Collection for Ensemble Ringing. $4.25  


Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

"Effervescence" contains four short, bubbly, Level 2 pieces for 4 ringers. The titles are: "Exaltation, Glad Day, Golden Moments, and Hebrew Dance."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1058 A collection for 4 ringers (D5-D6) $4.75  

Essay for Bells

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

This simple original composition may also be titled "Essay for Chimes," "Christmas Joy," or "Easter Joy." The musical score is in large print and very easy to read. The melody is in both upper and lower registers accompanied mainly by chords. There is only one accidental (G#6).

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1012 Handbells or Handchimes. $4.50  

Etude for Bells or Chimes

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Suitable for handbells or handchimes, the "Etude for Bells or Chimes" can be adapted for handbells and handchimes by following the suggestion in the program notes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT4003 2 Oct HB or HC $3.75  

Five To Go

Various, arr. Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

The title says it all! This collection of four compositions for five ringers using standard ringer positions is ideal for taking your music on the road. All songs are playable without tables. Titles include: "Rejoice in the Lord, Sea and Sand, Fiesta, and Duke Street." The music ranges from level 1 to level 2.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1019 Collection for Ensemble Ringing. $4.25  

Forest Dance

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Forest Dance is an easy Level 1 piece in 3/4 meter for five ringers; the exposed monophonic line in the middle will challenge new ringers to have the courage to ring when their bell is the only one sounding.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1093 2 Oct HB or HC $3.75  

Four Easy Songs for Four Ringers

Various, arr. Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

This Level 1 collection for 4 ringers (D5–D6) provides performance material for relatively inexperienced ringers. Two of the selections offer alternate titles for use at Christmas.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1060 2 Octave Handbells or Handchimes $4.75  

Four Horsemen

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

A lively original composition for 6 ringers, "The Four Horsemen" is suitable for church or school. Although the title alludes to the book of Revelation, it could be included in a secular program.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1056 A collection for 6 ringers (D5-A6) $3.95  

Four Pieces for Five Ringers

Dare, John C., arr. Dare, John C. & Dare, Carol R., Dare Team Press

The Gaelic hymn tune "Morning Has Broken" along with original compositions "Forest Temple", "Dedication", and "Endless Life" make up the four titles in this folio. May be played by bells or chimes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1001 2 oct HB or HC Collection $4.75  

Four Pieces for Six Ringers

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

The four short titles in this folio are as follows: "Psalm of Joy, Fortitude, In Memoriam," and "Returning." All are original compositions except "Returning" which is a setting of Dvorak's famous Largo. All pieces are scored in the treble clef and are large and easy-to-read. A variety of keys and time signatures provide challenge for Levels 1 and 2.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1002 Handbells or Handchimes/Collection $4.75  

Four Songs for Four Ringers

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Three original pieces - Spanish Procession, River Run, and Sistrum (an ancient Egyptian instrument) and an arrangement of Handel's "Joy to the World" make up this resource for four ringers. The music ranges from very easy to medium easy. There are no page turns.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1008 Handbells or Handchimes. $4.25  

Frosty Pines

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Suitable for chimes or handbells, "Frosty Pines" is an easy composition for 2-octave choirs in 3/4 meter.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1037 $3.95  

Garden, The

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"The Garden", a quiet, original composition for 2 or 3 octaves, has a beautiful melody in the upper bells supported by a rich harmonic accompaniment of quarter notes on chimes. The piece was inspired a new rose garden at a local church.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1068 2 to 3 Octave Handbells with Optional Handchimes. $3.95  

Glad Morning

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Glad Morning", a Level 2 composition, accommodates a flexible number of ringers. It requires a minimum of four ringers; the score lists several options for adding any number of additional ringers up to eight.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1042 2-3 Oct HB or HC $3.95  

Greet the Day

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Greet the Day", collection for six ringers using B4—F6, is classified as Level 1 due to the easy rhythms but two of the subtitles are really Level 1+ due to bell changes for a couple ringers.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1075 2 Octave Handbells or Handchimes for 6 ringers. $4.75  

He Has Come

Various, arr. Dare, John & Carol, Dare Team Press

Most ringers get to play the melody somewhere in this Christmas medley for bells and chimes. When available the 4th octave notes add richness to the bass line. Any carol in this medley may be rung as a single piece by stopping at the indicated fermatas.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1092 3 Oct HB w/Opt 4th Oct $4.50  

Hint of the Old West

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Two octave choirs might enjoy this pair of original compositions.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1065 2 Octave Handbells or Handchimes $4.75  

Holiday Bells

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

For 6, 9 or 10 ringers of bells or chimes, this original composition is set in D Major in festive style. Simple, repeating rhythms open the work, while flowing eighth-note melody appears in the second section. Some bell changes occur toward the end of the 65 measures.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1004 Handbells or Handchimes. $4.50  

Homeward Now

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Two measures with a pair of moving eighth notes plus an easy bell change for A5 and a tempo change at the end classified this composition at Level 1+. Otherwise "Homeward Now" is a very easy piece with chords in the treble clef and a primarily monophonic line in the bass clef.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT4007 2 Oct HB or HC (6-8 ringers) $3.75  

In Sleepy Hollow

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

As the title suggests, "In Sleepy Hollow" has an eerie quality created by a minor key and thumb damps.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1045 $3.95  


Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Intermezzo is a short piece in 6/8 meter for six ringers (D5-A6) with bell changes for three ringers. Suitable for handbells or chimes, it can be used in church or public schools.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT2009 3 Oct HB for 6 Ringers $3.75  

In the Mist

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Scored for 2 octaves with one optional A6, this piece is viable for 8 ringers, with or without access to an A6. The title "In the Mist" makes this composition a good candidate for chimes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT4008 2-3 Oct HB or HC $3.75  


Dare, John, Dare Team Press

The range of this rondo calls for an A6, a departure from the standard 2-octave notes. It would be a good choice for any group with access to a 3-octave set of bells but only 8 ringers; the 8th ringer would enjoy having 2 bells, a perk not available in 2-octave music.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1089 2 Oct HB $3.75  


Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Easy independent rhythms between the treble clef and bass clef expand the new choir's skills.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT5003 Everyone Can Ring Series (Score + 11 Parts) $24.00  

Joyful Bells

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

This Level 2 collection for 6 ringers, suitable for handbells or handchimes, is appropriate for almost any time of the year. An arrangement of the Beethoven melody "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" communicates the theme of joyful bells.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1052 A collection for 6 ringers (D5-A6) $4.75  

Joyful Four

Various, arr. Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

This collection, prompted by the popularity of "Four Songs for Four Ringers," uses D5-D6 from 2 octaves of bells or chimes, all scored on the treble stave. Two selections are for level 1: "Joyous News" and "Happy Ending." Two are scored for level 2: "Quiet Moments" and "Hymn to Joy." There are no page turns and all are usable for school or church.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1025 Collection for Ensemble Ringing. $4.75  


Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

"Lament", a Level 1 original composition for a two octave choir, is most effective with both handbells and handchimes. Although suitable for general use, this piece in G-minor would be especially appropriate for Lent or a funeral.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1057 Handbells with Optional Handchimes or Handbells and Handchimes. $3.95  

Let Freedom Ring

Various, arr. Dare, Carol, Dare Team Press

This Level 2 collection of three patriotic titles includes "The Star-Spangled Banner", "America", and the trio section of "The Stars and Stripes Forever". Although it requires the full range of a 2-octave set of bells, it is playable by 6 ringers.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1069 2 oct HB Ensemble $4.75  

Light and Lively

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

If you need something light hearted for a secular program, consider choosing 4 ringers to play one of the original compositions from Light and Lively, a Level 2 collection.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1062 Collection for Four Ringers $4.75  

Little Suite for Four Ringers

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Each of the three pieces (entitled Fanfare, Ode, and Hymn) in this suite for four ringers, scored for D5-D6, will stand alone or can be played as a group.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1029 $3.95  

Lotta Toccatas. A

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

The three toccatas in this collection will keep all six ringers on their toes. Due to the nature of a toccata, this collection is more suitable for bells.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1091 3 Oct HB $4.50  

Make a Joyful Noise

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

An antiphonal-style fanfare opens this original composition and introduces the melody "in chords" in measure 9. The tune appears in both upper and lower octaves and is marked with an *(asterisk) when "buried in the chord." This piece is 67 up beat measures.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1016 Handbells or Handchimes. $4.50  

March Triumphant

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

A ceremonial march tempo makes this an excellent piece for new ringers. A running bass line offers a pleasant contrast to full chords.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT5004 Everyone Can Ring Series (Score + 11 Parts) $24.00  

Meditation in Bb

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Meditation in Bb" introduces a 4-ringer ensemble (D5–D6) to the most common patterns in 6/8 meter. Four short exercises on the back page provide drills on each pattern by itself and in combination with the other patterns.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT2002 2 Oct Ensemble $3.75  

Meditation in C

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Meditation in C" introduces a 6-ringer ensemble (B4–F6) to the most common patterns in 6/8 meter. Four short exercises on the back page provide drills on each pattern by itself and in combination with the other patterns.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT2004 2 Oct Ensemble $3.75  

Meteors and Full Moon

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Two short selections form this "space" duo. "Meteors" combines quarter and half note chords in 4/4 time with mezzo piano and mezzo forte dynamics. "Full Moon" is in 3/4 time in D Major with optional repeats and full quarter note or dotted half-note chords.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1010 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.95  

Meteors and Full Moon

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Suggesting bursts of shooting stars, METEORS is a good introduction to contrasting rhythms. FULL MOON is an easy chordal piece in 3/4 meter.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT5005 Everyone Can Ring Series (Score + 11 Parts) $28.00  

Military Medley

Various, arr. Dare, Carol, Dare Team Press

Scored for 6 ringers (G4 – D6) this medley of service songs includes The Army Song, Anchors Aweigh and The Marines’ Hymn. Each title could be played separately.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1071 2 Octave Handbells for 6 Ringers. $4.50  

Misty Fields

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This level 1, two octave original composition works equally well for handbells or handchimes. This easy but appealing piece made a big hit with the choir for which it was written.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1047 $3.95  

Modal Moods

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

The use of two different historic church modes in this short collection for 2 octaves gives these two original compositions a seldom used musical sonority.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1079 2 Oct Ensemble $4.50  

More for Four

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Three of the titles in this collection for four ringers (D5—D6) are Level 1+ due to bell changes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1076 2 Octave Handbells or Handchimes for 4 ringers. $4.75  

More Music for Six

Various, arr. Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Finally, groups with only 2 octaves have a collection for six ringers! The four songs in this group are scored for the standard ringing positions B4-F6 with B4/C5 in the treble clef. Titles include: "Procession of the Priests, Placid Stream, Chapel Echoes," and "O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1024 Collection for Ensemble Ringing. $4.25  

Mountains and Valleys

Dare, Carol & John, Dare Team Press

Scored for 2 octaves of bells or chimes, "Mountains and Valleys" is suitable for schools or churches. "God’s Encircling Love" can be used as an alternate title for church use.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT4001 2 Oct HB or HC $3.75  

Mountain Stream

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

The Level 1 melody is suitable for bells or chimes. The rhythms are easy and there are no bell changes or bell techniques. The top note is always the melodic note. Although it is suitable for any season, it might be especially fitting for spring.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1097 2 Oct for 6 or 8 Ringers $3.75  

Mount Vernon Minuet

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This Level 1 minuet for a flexible number of ringers from 4 through 7 is very nice on handchimes. Alternate Title: Dancing Angels

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1044 2-3 Oct HB or HC $3.95  

Music of Life

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Here is another collection suitable for many different occasions. Written for 6 ringers, these titles work for handbells or handchimes; two are scored for both. The titles included are, "Psalm of Life, By the Waters of Life, Canticle, and Joyous Life."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1053 A collection for 6 ringers (D5-A6) $4.75  

Mysterious Stranger

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

"The Mysterious Stranger" is ideal for 6 or 7 ringers. A slow tempo and a thin bass line make the bass clef part feasible for one ringer and very easy for two ringers.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1032 Alternate Title: Holy Mysteries $3.75  


Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Mysterium", an original composition for 2 octaves, is scored for bells and chimes. This title would be suitable for sacred or secular use at any time but might be particularly effective during Lent.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1084 2 Oct HB w/2 Oct HC $3.75  

Nativity Medley

Various, arr. Dare, Carol, Dare Team Press

This medley for six ringers (B4–F6) contains four familiar carols: "It Came upon the Midnight Clear", "O Little Town of Bethlehem", "What Child Is This" and "Silent Night". Although the score calls for both bells and chimes, it can be played with only one tone color. Short bridges between carols make this medley flow smoothly; however, any carol in the medley may be rung as a single piece. Directions are included for using the transitional measures as an introduction to single carol.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT2007 2 oct HB $4.50  

Nature Surrounds Us

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This easy collection for four ringers (D5-D6) gives any new group a chance to grow. The first title in the collection is the only one with bell changes; the last two titles are very nice on chimes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1081 2 Oct Ensemble 4 Ringers $4.50  

Navy Hymn

Dykes, John, arr. Dare, Carol, Dare Team Press

The lush harmonies of this beautiful hymn are enhanced by the use of chimes for the first statement of the melody.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1072 2 Octave Handbells and Handchimes for 5 Ringers. $2.50  


Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Nocturne" introduces a 6-ringer ensemble (D5–A6) to the most common patterns in 6/8 meter. Four short exercises on the back page provide drills on each pattern by itself and in combination with the other patterns.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT2005 3 Oct HB Ensemble $3.75  

Note Reading Worksheets

Dare, Carol R., Dare Team Press

This set of materials provides clear, sequential explanations of the staff, the treble and bass clefs, ledger lines, octaves and the grand staff. It includes many worksheets for naming notes in both clefs.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT3005 Reproducible $17.50  

Of Fall and Winter

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Two more original Level 2 compositions are now available for three ringers using ringing positions F5-D6.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1031 $2.95  

On An Indian Trail

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Playable by chimes or handbells for 8, 9, 10, or 11 ringers, this original work is set in c minor. Repeating chords mimic "drums around the campfire" while the melody leads "down the trail" in upper and lower octaves. This simple piece focuses on ringing and damping and dynamics.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1005 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.00  

Oriental Breeze

Dare, Carol R., Dare Team Press

An original composition with an "oriental" flavor, this 3-octave, level 1 piece in c-minor is a good introduction to independent rhythms with quarter notes moving against half notes or whole notes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1011 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.50  

Oriental Breeze

Dare, Carol R., Dare Team Press

Lower bells have the melody in the middle section of this composition in c minor. Chimes enhance the oriental flavor of this mostly chordal piece.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT5006 Everyone Can Ring Series (Score + 11 Parts) $24.00  


Dare, John, Dare Team Press

A few bell changes for some ringers classify "Pastorale" as a Level 1+ composition in rondo form. The melodic themes in the rondo are marked to help ringers understand the thematic pattern of a rondo. Although "Pastorale" is suitable for bells or chimes, chimes enhance the peaceful feeling of a pastoral scene.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT4009 2-3 Oct HB or HC $4.50  


Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

This composition for six ringers is appropriate for Christmas, Easter, or general use in church as well as school programs. Using the handbells Bb4-G6 makes it playable with only a 2 octave set. A short motive echoes between the octaves.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1038 $3.95  

Prairie Days

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

In this original work a separate, small staff shows the melodic theme to help new ringers identify the melody, stated first in the upper octaves and then in the lower bells. Both octaves get a chance to play two other short melodic fragments. This original piece sounds good on chimes or bells. Chimes should omit the marts on the last three chords.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1026 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.95  

Prairie Morn

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Prairie Morn", a two octave composition for both handbells and handchimes, opens with a chordal introduction on handchimes followed by a clear melody scored for handbells over a handchime accompaniment. Even though "Prairie Morn" is more effective with both handbells and handchimes, it can be rung with either instrument alone.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1048 $3.95  

Prevenient Grace

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Prevenient Grace" introduces a 2-octave choir to the most common patterns in 6/8 meter. Four short exercises on the back page provide drills on each pattern by itself and in combination with the other patterns.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT2006 2 Oct HB or HC $3.75  

Quiet Christmas Eve

Various, arr. Dare, Carol R., Dare Team Press

The two carols in this 3-octave setting can be played individually or as a short medley without a transition between the carols. Both carols are suitable for bells but are also lovely on chimes. Titles include: "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" and "Away in a Manger".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1022 3 oct HB or HC $3.95  

Quiet Moments

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Subtitled "An Orison Anthem" (prayer anthem), this 3-octave original composition is feasible for handchimes or handbells but more effective when both are used as scored.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1046 $3.95  


Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Scored for 3 octaves, "Rejoice" is a good choice for any festive occasion.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1039 $4.75  

Scout's Loyalty March

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Scouts’ Loyalty March" has a lively, toe-tapping feel. One of the composer's favorites, it should be fun for both ringers and listeners! If the word “scouts” does not feel appropriate for some venues, just call it Loyalty March.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT4006 2 Oct HB or HC $3.75  

Seaside Suite

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This suite of original compositions is another good choice for fledgling ringers. The easy contrasting rhythms in "Surfin’" move along at a brisk tempo.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT3008 Written for the Time 2 Chime Program $4.75  

Sleigh Ride

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Six ringers pull this sleigh on its ride through eighth-note accompaniment, malleted or thumb-damped chords, and a tune set in D Major. The musical score is in large print and notated entirely on the treble staff. This is a great piece to ring memorized and without tables.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1013 3 oct HB $3.95  

Sleigh, The

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

The A-theme of The Sleigh, scored for 6 ringers (D5-A6), has the melody in the lower bells. The upper bells get the melody in the B–section. This composition would be appropriate for any winter program.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1100 3 Oct HB for 6 Ringers $3.75  


Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Scored for 6 or 8 ringers, the melody of this Level 1 original composition for 2 octaves has an upward lift. Although suitable for handbells or handchimes, the timbre of the handchimes helps create the feeling of "soaring."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1049 $3.95  


Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This 2-octave composition will give your lower octave ringers a chance to play the melody in the first section of the piece. Although Solitude is scored for chimes and bells, it can be played with only one tone color.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1080 2 Oct HB $3.75  

Spirits Rising

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Spirits Rising, a single composition for six ringers (D5-A6), requires a 3-octave set of bells. This title is suitable for use in school or church.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1082 3 Oct Ensemble (6 Ringers) $3.75  


Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Challenge the listeners to visualize what type of “splendor” this short composition for 5 ringers suggests.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1064 2 Octave Handbells or Handchimes for 5 Ringers. $3.95  

Spring Meadow

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Spring Meadow" introduces a 5-ringer ensemble (D5–F6) to the most common patterns in 6/8 meter. Four short exercises on the back page provide drills on each pattern by itself and in combination with the other patterns.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT2003 2 Oct Ensemble $3.75  

Sunny Day

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

There are no bell changes or bell techniques. Although the title seems most fitting for spring or summer, it might add a bright spot to a dreary winter season. It is suitable for bells or chimes but bells provide a brighter sound.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1098 2 Oct HB or HC $3.75  

Sunrise Suite

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This suite is a good choice for inexperienced ringers. The “safety in numbers” of full chords in all three original compositions, "Sun Up", "Sunny Meadow", and "Cheerful Morning", gives new ringers confidence.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT3007 Written for the Time 2 Chime Program $4.75  

Thirds Galore

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

The title of this original collection, suitable for bells or chimes, highlights the fact the “3rds” are the most common harmonic option when scoring for only six pitches. Easy eighth notes put #1-Victory at Level 2; otherwise it is very easy and would be suitable for Easter or any other festive occasion.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1090 2 Oct HB or HC $4.50  

Three for Five

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

These three interesting pieces ("Exaltate Jubilate, Spiral Dance, and Carilloneurs") scored for C5/E5 plus F5 – F6 do not require ensemble ringing skills.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1035 $4.75  

Three Selections for Six Ringers

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

"Rapture," "Cherubim," and "Psalm 100" are the three titles that make up this trilogy of original compositions for six ringers. The first two require no page turns. All are scored in the treble clef and are notated in large print.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1003 Handbells or Handchimes/Collection $4.75  

Travelin' Music

Various, arr. Dare, Carol & Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Share the joy of music with others! Seventeen program pieces, chosen for variety and audience appeal, are arranged in program order. No tables or notebooks are required!

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1040 $12.95  

Trilogy for Six

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Three original compositions make up this collection for 6 ringers. The titles are "Episode, Pastorale in G, and Festival."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1054 A collection for 6 ringers (D5-A6) $4.75  

Trilogy for Three Ringers

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Two of the three pieces in this collection of original, Level 2 compositions for F5–D6 use very easy 8th notes with both notes of the pair in the same hand.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1085 2 Oct HB Ensemble $4.50  

Triptych for Four

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This Level 2 & 3- collection of original compositions for four ringers (D5–D6) includes a variety of moods.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1087 2 Oct HB Ensemble $4.50  

Triptych for Ringers

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This collection of three original compositions (Concert Piece, Mysterious Melody, Joyous Etude) for five ringers (D5-F6) uses Level 2 rhythms plus bell changes for some positions. "Joyous Etude" requires a page turn.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1083 2 Oct Ensemble 5 Ringers $4.50  

Tropical Moment

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

This composition will stand alone with 3 ringers (F5-D6); the notes- needed chart shows various options for additional ringers, depending on the number of octaves available. Although the title calls to mind a certain geographic setting, the music should appeal to any groups of ringers.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1099 2 or 3 Oct HB or HC for 3-6 Ringers $3.75  

Two Dances

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

"Folk Dance" in g minor and "Quick Step" in G Major are scored for three ringers (F5-D6) with an optional part for D5/E5.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1028 Collection for 3 Ringers. $4.25  

Two Easy Marches

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This flexible arrangement for 2 octaves contains two short, stately marches--"Grand March" and "Ceremonial March".

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1050 $3.95  

Two Easy Pieces

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Follow Me" uses a chordal melody, printed in red, over a bass line of moving quarter notes. "Angelic Hymn" also uses a chordal melody with the melodic notes doubled an octave lower.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT4005 2 Oct HB or HC $3.75  

Two Festive Pieces

Various, arr. Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Festive Exultation" and "Crown Him with Many Crowns," two exuberant pieces for six ringers (D5–A6), would be especially fitting for Easter, Ascension, or any festive occasion.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1086 3 Oct HB Ensemble $3.75  

Two Flexible Pieces

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

This short Level 1 collection gives a director several options for a small group of relatively new ringers.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1066 2 Octave Handbells or Handchimes for 3, 4, or 5 Ringers. $4.50  

Two for Two

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

These 2 pieces for a two-octave choir include Ramblin’ Ringers (alternative title: Saints Alive) and Eastern Folk Dance. Although both Level 2 titles are suitable for bells or chimes, they are more effective with bells.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1067 Two Pieces for Two Octave Handbells. $4.50  

Two Oriental Folk Songs

Various, arr. Dare, John, Dare Team Press

Two well-known melodies from the Orient (Sakura and Arirang), scored for 6 ringers (D5–A6), are suitable for schools, some churches and ideal for spring programs. Both Level 2 settings are more effective on bells but will also work for chimes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1078 2 Octave Handbell or Handchime Collection. $3.75  

Two Part Fun

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Two-Part Fun" is an appropriate title of this collection for six ringers (D5-A6). It should be fun for ringers to play and fun for listeners to hear.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1088 3 Oct HB Ensemble $4.50  

Two Songs for Any Season

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

These two pieces scored for four ringers using D5-D6 can be used any time of year by changing the first word in the title from Christmas to Easter, Spring, Summer, or Winter. The Level 1 selection "Christmas Pastorale" is nice on handchimes. Eighth notes make "Christmas Greeting" a Level 2 composition; its livelier mood lends itself to bells.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1041 2 oct HB or HC $3.95  

Two Songs for Six or Eight

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

These two easy pieces (entitled "A Little March" and "El Paso") work for six or eight ringers; six ringers use only the treble clef notes. There are no bell changes, but the easy eighth notes require the classification of Level 2. There are no page turns within any individual piece. Although both titles are suitable for bells or chimes, they are more effective with bells.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1074 2 Octave Handbells for 6 or 8 ringers. $4.75  

Two Tunes for Three Ringers

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

These two original, Level 1 compositions scored for F5-D6, are suitable for bells or chimes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1030 $3.95  

Up and Ringing

Various, arr. Dare, Carol, Dare Team Press

All new ringers, even those who know how to read music, need material to help them develop good ringing skills. Using easy music allows them to concentrate on ringing technique and tracking their notes without the frustration of trying to learn these things from music that has too many new concepts in one piece.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT3001 Director's Manual $21.95  
MDT3002 Ringers Score $6.95  
MDT3003 Set for Ringers 1 through 11 $49.95  
MDT3004 Flash Cards for musical terms $19.95  
MDT3006 Complete Set of All Components $85.00  
+ Expand list for more items


Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

Victory, an easy 2-octave march, works well for 6 ringers using only the treble clef.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1033 $3.50  

Wentworth Chimes

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

This original composition for chimes or handbells may be played by 8, 9, 10, or 11 ringers with an optional G3 for the 12th ringer. Resembling the sounds of a bell tower with chordal and rhythmic patterns, this score is easy to read with special notation to help ringers find melody notes that are "buried in the chord." The music is set in cut time. Measures total 76.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1006 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.00  

We Three

Various, arr. Dare, John, Dare Team Press

This collection for three was created to give first year ringers trio music they can play without mastering solo/ensemble style ringing skills. Titles include, "Gloria, Ringers' Holiday, Happy Day Rondo," and "In the Old Forest." "Gloria" and "Ringers' Holiday" are in the key of G Major; "Happy Day Rondo" is written in Bb Major and "In the Old Forest" is written in g minor.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1027 Handbells or Handchimes/Collection for 3 Ringers. $4.75  

Wide Missouri

Dare, John, Dare Team Press

"Wide Missouri" is a Level 1 composition scored for 2 or 3 octaves of handbells or handchimes. For use in schools this title could be coordinated with Geography or with the Lewis and Clark expedition. Some churches might relate the title of this big river to a theme of God’s work in nature.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT4002 2-3 Oct HB or HC $3.75  

Winter Joys

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

"Winter Joys" is an easy 3-octave piece suitable for winter programs. There are alternate titles for other seasons.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1036 $3.95  

Wonder and Awe

Various, arr. Dare, Carol, Dare Team Press

Played on chimes, the two carols in this arrangement for two octaves can help create a special mood on Christmas Eve. "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" is also suitable for Lent.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1077 2 Octave Handbell or Handchime Collection $3.75  

Woodland Suite

Dare, John C., Dare Team Press

This collection of four pieces for five ringers can be used separately or programmed as a related group. With no page turns or bell changes within any one title the collection can be rung without tables. Titles include: "Mysterious Journey, The Haunted Forest, Dancing Spirits, and Fair are the Meadows (Crusader's Hymn)."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1021 Collection for Ensemble Ringing. $4.25  

Yankee Doodle

Traditional, arr. Dare, John and Carol, Dare Team Press

This delightful rendition of a tune popular during the American Revolution would add a light-hearted touch to any secular program. It is scored for 5 ringers and optional snare drum or hand drum.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MDT1070 2 Octave Handbells with Optional Drum. $3.95