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All Creatures Great and Small

arr. Waldrop, T., Choristers Guild

Young ringers will enjoy developing special handbell techniques in this five piece suite. An arrangement of "All Things Bright and Beautiful" is followed by short, original pieces depicting ants, lions, eagles, and whales.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB304 $4.95  

Angels and Shepherds

Mendelssohn, Felix, arr. Hollander, Lynne, Alfred Handbell /
Jubilate Music Group

"Angels and Shepherds" is a delightful Christmas arrangement for beginning ringers which incorporates "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" and "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" for 2-3 octave handbell or handchime choir and optional narrator.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAP23772 Handbells or Handchimes and Optional Narrator. $3.50  

Arky Arky

Waldrop, T., Ring Out Press

The Lord said to Noah, "There's going to be a floody, floody," and sure enough there was! Arranger Tammy Waldrop has set each stanza of the Bible song "Arky, Arky" to reflect its text. There's even a rain storm!

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3206 HB/Opt Percussion (slap stick, ratchet, bicycle horn, kazoo, whistle, etc.) $4.95  

At the Manger

Wissinger, Kathleen, ringTrue

Perfect for Christmas pageants and services, "At the Manger" will enhance the timeless recounting of the Nativity story. Each character has a short musical signature that is played whenever the narrator cues it. Written for 2-3 octaves, this piece is easily learned by 2 to 21 or more non-ringers and novices. Each part can be taught either by rote or by rhythmic reminders on a set-up sheet.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRE1004R Reproducible 2-3 oct HB or HC $20.00  

David and Goliath

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

Handbells combine with pantomime to portray the biblical story of "David and Goliath". There are many possible uses: children's sermon, concert, Sunday School lesson, etc.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3208 2 oct HB with pantomime
 $4.50  $2.70

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Mitchell, K., High Meadow Music Publishing

The loved children's tale is told here by 2 octaves of bells or hand chimes and a narrator. The narrator tells the story and the bells comment on the text. A good opportunity to work on expression and watching the director, not the music! School groups will enjoy working on special techniques and dynamics in this fun setting.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHM09001 $4.25  

Jonah and the Whale

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

The interplay between a narrator and 2 octaves of bells tells the story of Jonah. There is a 32-measure ending for the bells at the conclusion of the narration.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3215 2 oct HB with narration $4.50  

Joseph and the Coat

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

The interaction between bells and a narrator tells the familiar Old Testament story of Joseph and his coat of many colors.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO2412 2-3 oct HB with narration $4.50  

Joseph's Colorful Coat

Wissinger, Kathleen, ringTrue

Engage all your young ringers as they travel with Joseph through his many adventures in this brand new Chord Story. Each character has a short musical “theme” played by a few ringers whenever they are mentioned during the narrated story. Teachable by rote and ready to perform within minutes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRE1005R 2-3 Oct HB Musical Narration $20.00  

Joshua Jericho and the Walls

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

This Bible-story narrative is told by Joshua with a little help from his army (the handbell choir)! Narration alternates with musical comments on the dramatic action.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3204 HB/Narration
 $2.95  $1.77

Lions and Their Den-er Guests, The

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

The composer of this addition to the Ring-a-Story Series writes: "I've often wondered what the lions were thinking when Daniel was thrown in for that all-night lock-in."

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3207 2-3 oct HB with narration
 $3.50  $2.10

Little Boy and the Lunch

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

The story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 comes alive in this hilarious rendition from the best-selling Ring-A-Story Series, featuring musical snippets from familiar songs.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3257 2-3 oct HB with narration $4.50  

Many and Great O God Are Thy Things

Dakota Hymn, arr. Hopson, Hal, Choristers Guild

This captivating and creative arrangement of the Native-American tune brings the hymn to life in a unique way. The combination of bells and piano create wonderful colors and textures, while the narrator adds meaningful text.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB694 Full Score $11.95  
MCGB695 3, 4, 5 or 6 Octaves of Handbells with Optional 2 Octave Handchimes $5.95  

Mary Joseph and the Baby

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

Find out what the animals were thinking that night in the stable when Jesus was born. A donkey and a sheep narrator tell their side of the story.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3203 2-3 oct HB with narration $5.95  

Moses and the Perfect 10

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

This addition to the best-selling Ring a-Story Series tells the story of Moses and the 10 Commandments through the eyes of Moses' staff, that is, his walking staff, Rod. Rod (or Rhoda), along with the bell choir, gives a humorous account of Moses' own struggle with keeping God's rules and reminds us that God will help us keep his commands.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3228 2-3 oct HB with narration $4.50  

Noah and the Ark

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

Since its first release in 1991, this original work for 2 octaves of bells and narrator has been a best seller; it has now been revised for 2-3 octaves with all of the fun of the first edition.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO0611 2-3 oct HB with narration $4.50  

Noah's Ark

Wissinger, Kathleen, ringTrue

A bright new concept in first ringing experiences, Chord Stories allow non-ringers (Level Zero!!) to learn their parts on-the-spot and then to confidently perform an engaging presentation: a narrative with characters brought to life by ringers playing chords and patterns representing different characters. "Noah’s Ark" includes Noah, God, the Ark, Animals, Townspeople, and Rain.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRE1001R Reproducible 2-3 oct HB or HC $20.00  

Paul and Silas

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

Subtitled "Prayer and Praise in Philippi". Bells interpret musically the portion of Acts 16 dealing with Paul & Silas in Philippi.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO1912 2-3 oct HB with narration and opt percussion $4.50  

Prodigal Son

Wissinger, Kathleen, ringTrue

"The Prodigal Son" presents Jesus' parable of a ne'er-do-well son, his diligent brother, and his generous and forgiving father. Each character is represented by a specific musical signature. All materials are included and reproducible by the original purchaser.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRE1003R Reproducible 2-3 oct HB or HC $20.00  

Resurrection and the Book, The

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

Take a heavenly look at the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ through the eyes of two angels and a handbell or chime choir.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3211 2-3 oct HB with narration and opt 2-3 oct HC
 $3.50  $2.10

Samson and the Haircut

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

Shava Yerneck, The Barber of Civil, narrates this installment in Tammy Waldrop's popular Ring-a-Story Series.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3293 3 oct HB with narration and opt 3 oct HC
 $4.50  $2.70

Stone Soup

Wissinger, Kathleen, ringTrue

"Stone Soup" is a European/Scandinavian folktale dating to 1720 introducing the characters of The Traveler, Iron Pot, Stone, Villagers, and Food. Part of the Chord Stories series from ringTrue Handbell Music.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRE1002R Reproducible 2-3 oct HB or HC $20.00  

Twinkle and the Bethlehem Star

Waldrop, Tammy, Ring Out Press

The best-selling Ring-a-Story Series continues with this delightful telling of the wise men's story from a star's point of view. Twinkle tells the story as one of the Bethlehem Star's escorts and the bell ringers echo Twinkle's words.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3219 2-3 oct HB with narration $4.50  

Wave the Palms

Wissinger, Kathleen, ringTrue

Hosanna! Celebrate Palm Sunday with this engaging Chord Story that follows Jesus along the road into Jerusalem. The disciples, the crowds, the palm branches and even the donkey have parts in this tale! Each character has a short musical “theme” played by a few ringers during the narrated story; all teachable by rote and ready to perform within minutes.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRE1006R 2-3 Oct HB or HC Narration $20.00  

Wise Man and the Foolish Man

Traditional, arr. Lamb, Linda R., Ring Out Press

"The wise man built his house upon the rock..." Optional narrator and rainstick add interest to this rendition of the old Sunday School song.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRO3246 Optional Narration $4.50  

Wise Men and the Star

Ingram, B., Ringing Word Publications

A simple handbell part which adds musical interpretation to the text of the narrator.

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRW8066 $4.50